Please let me reclaim my old (amazing) Island

Home Forums Server Support Claim Removal Requests Please let me reclaim my old (amazing) Island


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  • #80021
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    My Username: __Gabrielle__
    Coordinates: -1533, 68, 8747 is kind of the center of it all, there are a few small claims throughout the island
    Claim owner: MrCole04 and __Oasis
    Time the Claim owner has been offline: MrCole04 has been offline 1 year 3months and __oasis has been offline 1 year 11 months (he only claimed the coliseum)

    Claim Size: All of MrCole04’s add up to roughly 8500 blocks and __oasis’s is 1350.
    Reason: I miss my island and my server parties were peak. Mr Cole didn’t even bother to finish the 3 houses I didn’t finish the roofs with and the island (which I created from scratch btw) would be much better in my hands. __Oasis never unclaimed the coliseum because he (my high school ex) claimed it when I didn’t have enough claim blocks and he stopped playing when we fell apart. Thank you for listening to my sad story and the whole server would love coliseum parties which would happen if I got my island baaack so thank you very much in advance 😀

    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
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    • ★★★★★★

    hi catch me ingame for the claims ok


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