PirateCraft Testing Server for 1.7.9

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  • #2427
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    I setup a duplicate version of PirateCraft on my home server to test updating to 1.7.9, there are a few bugs me and reaper found so far:

    • Movecraft is broken
    • Anything that uses ops wont work, Includes staffchat/groupmanager so me and reaper have to stay in admin ranks to use these.
    • Can’t make statues for donators
    • Couldn’t get the map to work, but may have been conflicting with web-server on my home server.

    I will need some people to come on and help test by running a ton of commands to try and find things that have broken.

    What seems to work fine:

    • Griefprevention
    • Autorank
    • Stats
    • Cannons
    • Essentials/Eco
    • Buying and selling claims.

    Reply if you are interested in helping and I will PM you with the dev Server IP and a time and date I will be testing.

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    I’ll be glad to help.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 794
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    Cool, First step is to see what is broken, Ive contacted the devs for the broken plugins already, Just a waiting game, Im considering sticking on 1.7.5 until there is a more solid solution, since everything works at present.

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