Pirate Texture Pack and Gun Plugin

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  • #25913
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    Sorry for being the party pooper but I highly disagree with guns on the server. Guns on the server would kinda ruin the whole pirate sword to pirate sword battle. It would no longer be a fight for armor and swords and gapples but now your getting shot by guns!?!. I would vote more on the side with no guns because it would CHANGE everything.



    Do The Pirate Dance!

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    Sorry for being the party pooper but I highly disagree with guns on the server. Guns on the server would kinda ruin the whole pirate sword to pirate sword battle. It would no longer be a fight for armor and swords and gapples but now your getting shot by guns!?!. I would vote more on the side with no guns because it would CHANGE everything. -mawa19331


    It would fit with the theme of the server though. You do realize guns are quite old? They were used alongside bows for years but were not as reliable as bows, so were only really used for close quarters combat because of their awful accuracy.

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    RJ the plugin I suggested is special that you could customize it to just have muskets pistols and blunderbusts-A nother pirate server uses the plugin and has these 3 guns they use gunpowder for ammo

    Emperor of Rohan

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    I have revived this topic because I believe it is an important one. I was wondering if this has been looked into or worked on by staff at all. You guys all as a team work so hard to make this server the great place it is and on behalf of the entire community, I thank you for your persistent dedication and time put towards us. I believe implementing a plugin off sorts that allowed muskets onto the server would be the best. It would add a new edge to PvP, as well as another way for strategy needing to be used. The muskets would be slower to fire than bows, yet more powerful. This topic has so much potential and I just wanted to shed some light on it after a few months in the dark. Thanks gain for everything staff. I know myself and the rest of the server would enjoy blasting each other in the face with a new weapon 😀

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    I think we should remove bows all together and replace them with the muskets if possible.. They should be slow to load of course – No machine guns in any type of way..

    Maybe make two variants;

    -A pistol, that shoots kind of like a bow, but deals minor damage.

    -A musket, that shoots slower, but deal more damage.. This could enable the use of “snipers” which would encourage more ranged battles..

    If possible make it so that the weapons can be enchanted? I’m not sure if I like them to be enchantable or not actually, but I think either way it would be fun.



    Founder of Port Hope

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    Do you think something like this could be possible to implement in the future?

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    Idk, guns would be a nice addition but I’m happy with the child friendly idea. This would push it over a bit. Sorry guys.


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    @iodiwankenobi  .-.

    For one this is a MATURE server as stated and two,it’s not like we’re killing strippers or even using modern weapons that can cause mass destruction. Oh odi…

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