Pirate Texture Pack and Gun Plugin

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  • #22837
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    Hey guys! I’ve researched some good pirate texture packs and gun plugins for the server. I chose the best texture pack and gun plugin. Here is a gun plugin used by a bunch of popular pirate servers. There should be some pirate guns in it. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/crackshot/ (Not Clickable, Please paste into search bar.)

    Here is the pirate texture pack:  http://www.minecraftprojects.net/texture-packs/ozocraft



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    Emperor of Rohan

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    I heard you are going to make a gun plugin? I know a popular pirate server that used this gun plugin. And Piratecraft could use a texture pack, use this one. And the best part is the gun plugin has not only guns but any weapon you can think of (Riot Shields, Airstrikes, and more). You can customize, texture, add, and more guns! Why fight with swords if you can shoot Rapidly, Ranged, Melee, and much much more!


    Emperor of Rohan

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    I was planning on making a texture pack :/ welp ill still do it 😀

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    but in all honesty that texture packs nice 😀

    Crazy Pirate
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    I made a texturepack a while back for this server, based on Dukocraft, since that’s the ofical one at the moment, and added a 3d musket texture to golden horse armour. The pics below are of the standard minecraft variant.

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    I would really really love to have muskets or something like that. Really get the server a more colonial feel. I would say they should do slightly more damage than an arrow, and work like a fully charged bow right? So I’d say about 6 hearts of damage to an unarmoured player, which is 12 damage. Heck I know it’d be used against me from time to time but I really think that would make things more fun and balanced! Like say you’d have to be more tactical- do you want to slow your enemy down and use special effects like bow enchantments or specialized arrows such as poison or spectral, or go for something more hard hitting like a musket? I’d also say, if possible make the charge (“reload”) time for muskets a tad longer than bows, if possible. Another suggestion I have for this idea is use default firework stars for ammo, as they look like musket balls. It would be interesting the see the demand for items to craft muskets and musket balls  go up. But then again, this is just a theory…

    A GAME THEORY! Hah, anyways, let me know what you guys think 🙂

    @godsdead @calliemav @smokeyriver @vapecloudbear

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

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    The gun textures are amazing…nice

    Crazy Pirate
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    Why, thank you 😛

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    I think if we were to use the gun plugin, use those which closely resemble that of this time i.e. muskets, rifles etc.

    Machines guns would ruin it UNLESS we has a Gatling Cannon to mount on ships which shoots arrows?


    what do u think?

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    GodsDead has the choice to customize, use, not use, texture, and more any types of guns. He could just disable mac guns

    Emperor of Rohan

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    Horse armor based guns are actually really well done, it would be a great addition to the game, but I do suppose it would create new possible problems, like Palmerageddon says, but I personally think once 1.9 comes out, guns based on something like horse armor won’t sound as ridiculous anymore, as their type of damage won’t be affected by the update, and if they are then its a case of modifying the plugin to tweak the problems.

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    instead of horse armor… we change even more hoes into usefulness!



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    well, for the ammo i think it should consume easy-to-get materials that look like rl, like 1 gunpowder and 1 flint per shot, like in the civil war :3




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    edit: posted twice 😛



    RJ Cemetery
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    Honestly the gun plug in sounds great! But all those other guns don’t it should only be flintlock guns no riot shields or air strikes its a pirate themed server all that would make no sense.

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