I have recently realised that if I was to soon bring about a trade which only the IE could do would be tough.
I then thought about Patents and Copyright.
Yes I know i’m not exactly using it in the right way but it’s things like ‘Elvish Bows’ which could easily be faked & sold for lots.
This is why I thought creating a group where people can protect their trade is a good idea.
People can also confirm their trade & list people who could be licensed to sell their goods & that it is 100% genuine.
Also people can report those or question those traders who seem to get bits & bobs & hand them over to people at dicey exchanges.
People can then Identify the fake from the genuine & then people can be warned & these dealers can then be boycotted.
I dunno if this will work or not but I want to bring about a brand of boat sorts soon & I don’t exactly want people copying the exact thing.
So this is a good way of helping those who don’t want this to happen.