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  • #23561
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    If you didn’t know, Paris was under a terrorist attack. I just want to say sorry if anyone had witnessed that or had a friend that witnessed it.


    Crazy Pirate
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    Yeah, thoughts and prayers with Paris, they say over 158 dead. Truly sickening.

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    Some friends of mine were going to go to their concert in Zürich on Wednesday, I didn’t have time because of my work shift. It’s unbelievable that people are capable of committing such horrendous acts in the 21st century.

    The Queen
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    My friends boyfriends moms sister died in that so it’s been kinda rough on them. They live in Paris and so its taking a toll on them all

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Meh terrorism in its system is so extremly dumb.
    Just stay strong or something…maybe think of a more emotional thing i could say here.
    I am not got at empathy…i want to say something extremly nice and upcheering…


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    @stingbarry if you don’t have anything nice to say then refrain from saying things that almost seem as if they are out of place from how touchy/serious this topic is people died

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    I am really sorry if i seemed offensive but i am bad at showing feelings and i just wanted to show that i care even though i am bad at it.

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    Poor Syria too, they shouted allah ackbar, which means for Syria or something. Syria is a battle place for ISIS, U.S., Russia, and now France.


    Crazy Pirate
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    Poor Syria too, they shouted allah ackbar, which means for Syria or something. Syria is a battle place for ISIS, U.S., Russia, and now France.

    Allah Akbar, not sure on the spelling, means for Allah, the God in islam. A bit like, well, God be with you?

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    It’s “allahu akbar” and it literally means nothing but “God is great”. It’s the muslim eqivalent of “Hallelujah”. The phrase alone has absolutely nothing to do with terrorism and is used by all muslims all over the world.


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