Palapourheal request

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    Current Username: Palapourheal

    Username when banned: Palapourheal

    UUID: e583e2a0-13f7-4cfd-b895-1d7a50f088cd

    Your punishment tracker link:

    Banned By: Taulov.


    Unban Appeal:

    Hello staff team, Here, a decision is questionable and come to break, decisions taken in the past by staff members. First of all, it says in my first two-month ban that I did not comply with my probation. Except, my probation period lasted only one month, as you will see in the screenshots added. The decision of the first banishment comes after my probation, which makes a mute + two-month ban for saying “racist Eisen” excessive. So it is later said by the members of the moderation team themselves that drama on discord does not impact the decisions made on the server. Here too, the rule is broken.

    Finally, with regard to the permanent ban, it was stated to me that this was the agreed decision if I did not comply with the conditions of my stay. But this was not what was agreed to, indeed it was agreed that I could no longer appeal to my perma mute, . What was not applied. Here again the decision is excessive and therefore does not respect the rules given earlier. All the evidence is attached, so I’m asking for an unban and a discussion.

    For the less formal part of this appeal, I would like to formulate, that the community wants me back on the server, ( you can see this on the public poll posted in the alliance and on piratecraft discord I sent a screen) and that I want to be able to play with my friends. Also considering that most of my sanctions came from my sentences in the written chat, with a permanent mute, given that I have no past glitch, there is little chance that I could be a toxic guy. Palapourheal.


    Post scriptum: I’m sending this apeal for Palapourheal

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    +1 Pala is cool


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    Your first two month ban was by Eisen for: Staff impersonation and continuing to create unneeded drama after previous punishment was overturned. Nowhere in this ban did it say that you did not comply with your probation. Yes, it mentions it, because it is relevant to the context, but it does not break what we agreed upon.

    Before this 8 week ban, you were permanently muted, appealing twice before being unmuted. It appears that you were also punished for abusing /helpop. Before that, you were lockered no more than 5 times and have a total of 25 mutes over a year. 

    The permanent ban was voted on by the moderation team after taking your entire context into account – not just your ‘probationary’ period. We decided that you would be permanently banned after looking at your punishment tracker as a whole. This was not a mistake or a punishment that can be considered excessive or unfair, but one that you have earned after over a year of chances.

    I do not think an unban and permanent mute would help you. You mentioned in a previous unmute appeal that: ‘my perm mute has become a nightmare’ – Why would you continue playing when you have already experienced what it is like?


    And to your poll: How are we to know that this is biased or not? Is this your friends? Someone just voting over and over? It tells me nothing other than the people who support you and are friends with you want you back.

    Ultimately the team who decides your punishment does not want you back on the server. Denied

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