Was just searching youtube and found this clip :D. Oh, the good memories! We need something like this except in Minecraft maybe…
#1 We need a new movecraft craft file for flags allowing us to move along vertical lines with flags or something like that (Maybe we can talk with the creator to see what ideas he has to offer).
#2 we need a massive priate ship fight.
#3 I had an awesome idea for maybe a large event that is like Admin vs. Players event or Old players vs. New… something like that…
Input anyone?
~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~
Me and Gods wanted to a Pirate ship fight between 2 copies of my Indiaman, but perhaps we should do my Indiaman vs Tim’s, with auto cannons, but no clusterbombs, we want it too last. We also need somebody to film it…
Meeee fiilmmmyyyy!!! Set up various cameras with my mod in different locations and all that stuff.. But I don’t like movecraft ship battles where the ship moves tbh :/ #1 its laggy and leaves behind after iamges #2 I just prefer battles to be two op ships just blasting away at each other without fancy manuevers.
~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~
Why not make it like a claim thing but this claim can move and its much more limited in terms of wide ness. heres how it works for you claim the area full of wool then you remove the wool in the way it should be when it role up.when you want it to go back you need wool in your inventory and then it builds it in like the speed of the gates or something.the ships either don’t move or move really slow when there like this