Old player build

Home Forums Server Support Request Land Regeneration Old player build

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  • #77309
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    My Username: <Thederpymaster>
    Coordinates: <7500, 4700> (Do /getpos)
    Approximate Regen radius: <You can see a rough outline of where he placed his blocks (There is a village nearby which I am not trying to get so you can stop right before it>
    Reason: <Cleaning up around my bases>
    (opt) Map link: <Visit https://map.piratemc.com/ Zoom into the are and right click the link icon bottom left of the screen and copy link, then paste that here>
    (opt) Region ID: A minecraft region file is a 32×32 chunks area, a secondary method to regen a giant area fast. Use /getpos and put that into https://dinnerbone.com/minecraft/tools/coordinates/ to get the filename!


    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
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    • Total: 694
    • ★★★★★★


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