Officer_Pigboy ban time reduction

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Officer_Pigboy ban time reduction

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    Current Username: Officer_Pigboy
    Username when banned: Officer_Pigboy
    UUID: fc1a3f1f-eb57-4897-9819-65347f5ac777
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Caldera23

    Unban Appeal

    I know I have asked before but I wanted to give it another shot. Please consider shortening my ban time. I regret making an AFK bypass machine and will never recreate it. I know this is a major rule violation and I have already learned my lesson. I just got too greedy. This is my first major offense and all I ask is for mercy. I strictly play piratemc so this ban basically banned the only world I truly enjoy.

    I understand if this attempt for a shortened sentence is all in vain, but it was worth a shot.

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    Hi officer_Pigboy,

    Considering this is your first infraction and your previous ticket + good history  you have been conditionally unbanned. Conditionaly meaning, you are on parole so to speak. should you commit another infraction during the next weeks of your original ban you will be re banned for the full 3 months. Contact me should you have any questions.



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