Notifcations…I get it, I'm a popular guy. But, really?

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Notifcations…I get it, I'm a popular guy. But, really?

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    Crazy Pirate
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    I was away for 11 days, and during that time, I used intermittent wifi to clear a few of the numerous notifications. The odd message here and there, a few tags, and when I get back…

    88 notifications. Bearing in mind I easily cleared 20, I got a little over 100 notifications in 11 days! That’s mad!

    I don’t know how staff such as smokey and godsy are handling it, bearing in mind they are tagged in, well, everything, but I’m sure that I’m missing out on all the important stuff, because I’m being spammed with the nonsense.

    Can we please have some toggles for this system? Just a lil feedback 🙂

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    Popular chap you!
    Yes, I agree that the notifications can be a little over-the-top. Important messages tend to get lost among notifications of some player joined a random group, that I didn’t know I was even in!

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    @CrazyPirate1 I can see how this could be a problem

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    I’ve gotten around 50 notifications in the past 4 days. Does anyone know if there is some option that limits what I get notified for?

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    You have to press the clear notifications for the group notifications otherwise they don’t disappear.

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    Hey I just saw this, and I’d like to add to it, because EVEN THOUGH IM IRRELEVANT I STILL GET A CRAP TON

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    I can disable the plugin?

    Tell me if it would be better to disable it.

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    I found it more manageable the way it was before. I love the fact that it is easier to communicate in hidden groups, but I HATE being informed every time someone joins a group. Group membership notifications make up most of the spam. It’s completely unnecessary to know that NewGuy101 joined the group Settlements.

    If this can somehow be toggled off, I’m happy as it is. Otherwise it would be a godsend to revert back to the old format.

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    I want the old way back, unless you can do what Paul suggested. Otherwise, get rid of it

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    I once had 111 things stacked up over a period of 5 days, get on my level 😛,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    If it is possible to make it customizable to each individual person so that they can change it in profile settings then I think that would be best. As I don’t know if it’s possible, this is just a suggestion.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    Crazy Pirate
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    I just really don’t want to have to clear all notifications, I’ll just end up losing the important stuff.

    Some toggles would be good; Palmer posting an update in the group ‘Ask Inventor’ doesn’t interest me in the slightest, nor does anyone joining that group, while someone joining the BE government or posting an update there does. Can we just turn of all notifications for specific groups?

    If that’s not possible, I’d prefer the current plugin to be scratched, its simply unmanageable 🙂

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    Guys you can sort what notifications you dont want to get!!! Go in profile then notifications then look a bit around and tada youll find it.

    -Proud creator of Between Friends.
    -Proud member of the British Empire.

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    i got 32 notifications in 4 hours the other day lol


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