No teleport weekend event discussion thread

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  • #14908
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    Bed spawns won’t be off, It will be no-tp, which means, No /home. I’m sticking to it. If you want to get back that bad then go drown yourself or jump off a cliff to re-spawn in your bed.

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    There is also one more problem to this one that wont affect us that much it makes game plzy less fun….trash there is trash all over the sea and with big ships that everyone wants to have its very hard to avoid trash.

    After i’m done with some stuff (if the event has not bin done yet) i’ll start to clean the seas starting from cove and then to the est then to the south (hope java lest me clean the south) and then the super clean west wich onlly has a few trashy places,sadly i wont do the north sea as itsto small no one uses it much so…..i’m gonna leave that one for the comunity.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I have to agree that disabling teleports will foster a much more ship orientated environment as Teleport bypasses the usefulness of ships as transport.

    As inventory space is limited getting items where you need them is a logistical challenge, for example: taking resources to trade/build with, or raiding and taking items back to your base etc.

    Personal teleports gives too greater advantage to players by removing most of the risk (and excitement) from moving items. Without which players must invest time and resources to build ships in order to transport large quantities of items or plunder from others.

    Captain Gorden

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    Um dude we already past this no more commenting unless its something really cool that you cant resists….like me addding more cannons to the mmerry to make that lam smilling will you’re ship drowns to it’s end 0-0.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    as far as i know it is possible to store items in single chests on your ships, which means you can bring as much loot or trade goods as your cargo hold can carry, so with a ship you will not be restricted to only your inventory.


    Founder of Port Hope

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    I have a suggestion keep tpa just make it so in order to tpa to someone it costs money or just has a longer cool down just a suggestion

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    I say no to what name_change cant be a no tp weekend with tp >.>


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    Alex Lazescu
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    @Gareth, that opens up a whole new perspective, as players will have to use ships and chests on those ships for transporting said materials + resources, people will be encouraged to attack ships to have a chance at taking a look at any of those chests!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    If this is going to be successful, you’ll have to expand/clear out the water on the server so that ships can used to sail and battle. Also, the equilibrium to the debate may be that you can only use /home or /crew home on your ships, nothing more, during the event. That would allow players to tp to their ships and promote the use of ships during the event.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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    @oA1Ao No, read the previous messages, the sea is not polluted with debris.

    again for the 100th time, No /home no /tpa no teleporting at all, please read the title of this forum post, its literally labeled no teleport.


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    I like my homes, I own a massive box and the best way (only way) is through homes. If I get sieged I can’t break blocks to get in. And remember that deckies use this to get away from the people in Diamond Armor as I have used many times before. I believe this will just create the broken uses of shops and everyone warping to food to trade something as nobody wants to travel extremely long lengths to get anywhere. I have to say I’m more of an “Air Pirate” rather than this servers pirates. Can you give us a default texture pack to make the armor look like pirate outfits? That’d make me act more piraty.


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    Make a ship arena


    Crazy Pirate
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    This post/thread is over 6 months old, and is no longer relevant. 😛

    What’s with all the grave-digging recently?

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    It came up on my most recent tho…


    Crazy Pirate
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    Facebook newsfeed, amirite?

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