New World Explination & Theory -Piratecraft

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  • #18901
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    This has probably been asked many a time before ( sorry)
    but is this ‘New World’ that every one is talking about going to replace the piratecraft we are using now? the map? the statistics, or will it just be exsactly the same map with all the same features, just a bit bigger with no teleporting and stuff like that.

    Sorry if this queastion is irritating ,


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    did you watch the video? i claerly said “its going to be an extention of our current map”


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    How do you know so much about this world? Or is this just a thing you want.


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    mrdork i’m not itsacaly the youngest player ik how godsy works and i also read the forums long before you came to the server….this is something that has been on work for months…….but i also want it really badly…


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I know, i did watch it but you didn’t really make it that obvious whether or not the current map will be deleted or if it will just be an extension with more land thats free to build on with the same structures everywhere that isn’t new.
    Also Will this new map as you state have absoloutly no warps, or anything and is the current map and ip still going to be running at the same time with virtually all the same features as the new one?
    Thanks, Ben


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    also when you start in the new world, will you keep youre inventory? youre loot , youre claim blocks, i have so many questions to ask.


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    ben everyone exept you got it….its not gonna be some new server its not gonna be a reset i dint say anything like that i said “an extention of our current map” nothing will getaffected in our “world” (think of it as the other side of the planet).this will have all the futures exept tp or warps or sethomes.nothing to do with teleporting!idk how you’re the only one who dint get…. this the rest are just asking me when it will happen and is it true or am i liyng or what editing system i use for that pic…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Look, im just curious and this is the first post ive seen about it , thats why i’dint’ get it.


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    Also , would it be possible to have a way of anchoring ships when you are about to go offline , to protect them in some way, for example, a claim that goes around you’re ship when you anchor it. This Example is probably very unlikely as, say if someone wanted to dock at an NPC or player port, then if you anchored it could overlap existing claims. But if this anchoring want possible then how would you dock you’re ship at a port and make sure it doesn’t get griefed?

    Just a suggestion,


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    well you probably can just not in the npc shops or in someones elses claim….let me say this again.this world will be an extention to our map.ANYTHING that dosent have to do with tp (warps sethomes /back tpa tpahere etc) will only be aviable too staff for staff reasons.and when i mean ANYTHING EXEPT TP. i mean claims building /kits (actually /kits might not work as technacaly its teleporting things to you’re inventory) chat /crew chat /me ETC!……


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    From my knowledge… Almost none of the information it’s correct and so I’m treating this as what it’s called… A theory.

    For what I know about godsdeads plans, the new world is going to be on a completely different hosted server and will be for hardcore minecraft vanilla survival players. NO the current piratecraft is not being replaced as all these fanposts have confused people into thinking. I also highly doubt the new world is being made an extension of the current map since there is already a amplified testing server set up.


    Lastly on me letting out the frustration of seeing everyone confused..  The new world is still a work in progress!! Stop freaking out like some people (reptaria) going on the server asking questions about the new world ( that is still a while away from being released… Oh wait I emphasized that already) and then DON’T proceed to yell in server chat (like reptaria) “this server is ending as we know it!” because that just confuses people even more and gives veteran players and staff headaches


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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