I have added a cosmetic plugin for Donators only, this is an animated emoticons, that has 19 animated faces to use on PirateCraft! Express your emotion without chat face to face!
It can be used as a toggle on all the time from the GUI with /emotes or you can run it a few times and it’ll auto turn off with /emote smile or whatever emote you want to run. You can toggle it off again using /stopemote or using /emotes and clicking the lever button.
First run may show Steve heads until its cached, but after that its fluid animation.
I may change around who has what at any time, I slapped this out to get it out!
Each Emote can be run with /emote <name> or /emotes <name> to quickly show emotion that will automatically time itself out, so you don’t have to use the GUI. I will be changing the GUI toggle to only work for Captains at a later date so everyone isn’t running around with a perminant emote all the time!
Some of the emotes also have particle effects with them