New Crews and Elven Age Over~News Edition: 23

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion PirateCraft News New Crews and Elven Age Over~News Edition: 23

  • This topic has 5 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    PirateCraft Articles


    Elven Empire Has Fallen

    Yesterday it became official as TheGrandma entrusted by Reptaria with the EE disbanded the entire Empire ending the golden age of the elves. This surprising event came after Reptaria’s sudden quit from the server after all the publicity following the raid on Willzo’s base to reclaim SeconDeath’s gear (see Edition 21). Reptaria left the server, giving out gear to the loyal elves of the Empire, and abandoning all of the elves claims. Reptaria then left TheGrandma in charge of the elves, but after looking at how many elves were actually active members he decided to disband the entire Empire ending the EE for good…


    New Crews Rise!

    Many active players have seen the rise of new crews such as Solis and En both of which seem to be booming with members lately. These new members that head for the up and coming crew of En, are mostly flowing surprisingly from CoV! These two new crews are becoming fast rivals and from the looks of things may indeed head out to sea to wage war over the name “top dog” of the server…


    USE vs SKAT 

    SKAT a newly formed crew that was made out of the ashes of the EE and USE members has entered into what seems to be a war with USE. The leader of the USE was very upset with some of USE’s top leaders leaving the crew to join SKAT, this escalated until a raid was carried out on the base of SKAT which was mostly successful. This war will test the resilience of the new crew and the loyalty of the members left in USE…


    Sanguine Court Is Recruiting!

    ”Freedom gained in death, released from the bonds of life. We rise again, free of Life’s misery and evaded Death’s grasp. Through blood forged a bond stronger than iron, and stand as one. We are the defers of Life and Death, united as family, and bleed as one.” (Contact Lucky_Vincentus for more information)

    The HEE Is Recruiting

    The High Elven Empire are looking for mature players who aren’t playing just for the fact that they can pvp. The HEE want members who are the best at what they do and can be an example of a strong Elven Group to the entire server. (Contact Browe or Xadiez for more information)

    VaultTec Industries Are Recruiting!

    This is the self-same group that made the beautiful vaults featured in the second part of the paper. Vault-Tec is an up and coming crew who are currently recruiting dwellers. Vault-Tec is led by the former military commander of EE. (Contact Rubihube or Lithvather for more information)

    Wielders of Conscience are Recruiting!

    Looking for players willing to work on resolving conflict on all levels. (msg Zeref_Dragneel2 in game or pm on site to join)

    USE is recruiting!
    (msg SBurger6969 for more info)

    Elven Empire is recruiting!

    We are United, We are Strong, We are the elven Empire-3 Kingdoms
    (msg Reptaria for more information on how to join)

    The Thirteen Colonies is Rercuiting!

    /msg NickyB_123 to join the Thirteen Colonies! They are looking for many more members to join them in their adventures, take a look!

    Need a Hired Mercenary to do some dirty work? /Mail or /Msg iTexter InGame

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy all your basic needs and more from /warp food

    Warp Food, Food is under new management and is being restocked!

    Buy and sell at warp trade! Rent a shop ranging from 50-150£ a month in rent and start your own venture. Contact Bislo1 for vacant shops.

    Quote of the Day: As ArtificialDemon once said: “Some men just like to watch the world burn, I like to start the fire.” ~ ArtificialDemon, 2016

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    xD I got the perfect reason for rep quitting lol. Java raided him on my orders, raided his vault clean as he stole half of the stuff from will’s vault which belonged to me. Thats right People your elven leader was a Thief, she stole 8 custom dia swords, 6 Stacks and 24 blocks of dia

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    I will lead the follow-up to this. Anyone who wants to know about Reptaria ask me. She was different on the day she left. She was… Free


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    can you just stop going on and on about rep?

    you barely know them, your making this problem much more annoying than it already is and just overall, stop.

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    @secondeath haha you know now that it wasn’t me also he stole on of my custom swords straight under my nose. he also tried to turn me and Java against each other.

    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

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    According to USE president Galaxy219, the members of SKATS have rejoined USE.

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