New Cannon Shots?

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    Right I was typing out loud to Crazy the other day and I was telling him a couple of ideas for Future or Cannon shot ideas.

    I also had been reading about Porton Down which is a Chemical and Biological warfare research place in Wiltshire, England.

    And it got me thinking.

    PirateCraft has Cannon Balls -Bullets? I dunno, Cluster Shots -Explosives, Rockets- Incendiary and Shrapnel/Canister -Area.

    But it’s missing Biological and Chemical.

    I then looked online and certain Wiki pages and found out a sort of medieval and sea warfare shot which was just like this.

    The Carcass!

    The Carcass is basically a bag or sack full of not nice compounds and elements.

    It is then fired and the heat generated from the propelling explosion sets it alight.

    This then makes the chemicals inside burn and realises noxious fumes and deadly gases.

    This sort of weapon is known as an Area Denial weapon.

    This release of dangerous substances makes an area it is fired in cut off and not a nice place to be.

    Much like a nuke without the harmful explosion and the ability to be able to remove the danger.

    Its also called the carcass because of the bad stuffed with this looks like a human’s dead body.


    Basically the carcass is one of the first biological weapons and area denial weapons.

    What the shot could be is maybe rotten flesh or something not nice or a combination of different things.

    Like maybe if you put rotten flesh in for the base, then spider eyes to make it last longer (minimum time it lasts= 10seconds to 30seconds. Maximum time it lasts=30 seconds to 1 Minute) and the more you add it add it add another 10 seconds onto the last time it was put in (basically it only works if it is rotten flesh and spider eye) .

    It could also have a bigger or smaller area it effects the more spider eye you put in ( 1= 3×3 2= 4×4 3= 6×6 and the different chemical effects could depend upon how much rotten flesh you put in (1= Hunger 15 seconds, 2= Slowness and Nausea 30 seconds, 3= Poison 10 seconds) so really this shot is a work on maths and what you want to happen.

    I know it seems complicated but even maybe with one of these things put into it could make it a very cool thing.

    Also it would have not much explosion or let alone any explosion.


    I would be happy to hear from people about what they think of this idea and if I have missed out any info please tell me!!

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    Ive been to Wiltshire many times 🙂

    Do you know what? we can actually make a cannonball’s explosion area/nearby players set whatever “potion effects” we want, we could have nausea and potion of weakness and harming?

    What “cannon ball” item would you have to put into a cannon?

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    Maybe you would have to use a potion of poison or maybe one of the ingredients that go into poison potions 😛

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
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    Crazy Pirate
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    Maybe you need to load the cannon with some rotten flesh and spider’s eyes?

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    xD I see crazy listened but it doesn’t matter.

    I can tell from you guys that if we were to make it a harder to get and make potions would be better or even maybe a new cannon to fire potions 😀


    But I am loving this feedback I do have another idea for a cannon shot but I’ll post that at a later date unless if anyone wants to know it now then I’ll post it, as well as a different sort of cannon.

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    Great idea. This might also satisfy those who want cannons to have an effect on people in a claimed base.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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    i’m up for it….just imagen noob getting shot with that they wount understand anything XD.maybe when you get hit by it (or die by it) you geta msg saying “you’ve been hit by dirty water” or something like that XD

    on a side note: crazy log in alredy i got you’re medisen and flowers from elo…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Loving the feed back 😀

    You could use it maybe to block entrances to places and make lower decks of ships in hospitable by firing it into aiming hole and also shooting into gun batteries like that as well.

    Lots of tactical uses.

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    hey how about a cannons made of slmies is the only one that can do it…..i know it sounds i bit odd but still quimical weapon…..


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    the projectile could have particles of a greenish-color trailing behind it like its unsanitary XD


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    you guys get me <3


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    No it would be fired from a normal cannon; Mortar, Carronade or Iron.

    And it would either be composed of Rotten Flesh and Spider Eye or something more hard to get instead of having to just load potions into it.

    But maybe to make it that more costly leather as well?

    You know for the ‘sack’ or ‘bag’ part?

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    Here are my suggestions if potion effect related cannon projectiles are being added! I think these would be balanced and reasonable for both raider and defenders.

    Some of the finer tuning could be made by you. I’d be willing to help in any way possible if some of these ideas are implemented.

    Format- NameLore–Effect/cost

    Primitive SmokescreenGive ’em darkness mateys!–Blindness for 1 minute/3 Ink sacs

    Flingin’ ScurvyDoctor we need oranges!–Poison III 10 seconds/5 spider eyes

    Hail o’ RumAny pirate’s heaven!–Nausea 30 seconds/15 sugar

    GodsDead’s RageLord help us.–Harming II/4 obsidian

    Any comments mateys!?!? Like the post if ye enjoyed! 😛

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    I was thinking of Posting something on smoke screen shot…


    Like a smoke screen shot could be that but you fire it at a block and it brings up a large smoke cloud possibly bigger the more ink sac or gunpowder you use and it can be used as  cover and stop name tags from being shown?

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    I’m sorry to dig this post back up, but what is the situation with the carcass ‘area denial’ shot idea?

    Not to mention, Ani’s ideas sounded pretty good too.

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