Need help for my factory : mobs don't spawn

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    Hello please I need help : my mobs factory doesn’t work anymore since the server run in 1.9 becauses the mobs don’t spawn inside it anymore.

    Before asking, I’ve tried to find by myself but after many hours I yield :/

    To explain you the situation :

    _ My factory (farm) uses no redstone system : the mobs spawn then they’re drained by water and then they fall more than 50 blocs high which kills them. The mobs don’t spawn anymore. However the factory in insanely huge : something like 80*80*150 blocs …

    _ I tried to change my render view but it doesn’t work.

    _ Perhaps the problem don’t come from the 1.9, but from the great number of animals and dogs I had create in the same chunks. I had noticed less mobs spawned into the farm meanwhile I created more pets, I think due to the entities limit per chunk. Then I’ve moved my pets away (around the factory but outside its chunks) however the factory still doesn’t work.

    _ I think it could work again with reinitializing something … (chunks ?)… That’s why I think I need the help of the admins.

    Thank you for your help and sorry for my average english 😉 I stay at your disposal for any information.

    Kind regards.

    MR_TEUB – Steward of Barad Dur

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    You have to be near the chunk in order for mobs to spawn.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Yes I mean it doesn’t work even if I stay next to the factory hours long

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    I think he means the area where they are supposed to spawn.


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    It might be due to the mob limit. Which I think is 50 in a 16×16 area. Just a guess. Good luck!


    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    I’m pretty sure it’s the amount of people on the server at one time, I think that there is a mob cap for not only chunks but for the whole server and the spawns are kind of spread out. I only seem to get natural spawns in the world when there isn’t that many people on but even then there aren’t that many.  I’ve gone to a swamp every day for the past week and haven’t gotten a single slime spawn.

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