My unban.

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests My unban.

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  • #53584
    Louslous lous
    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 2

    Current Username: louslous
    Username when banned: louslous
    UUID: UUID 223d21ac-01d6-45d4-9c7d-72388e123bdd
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console


    Well, here i am again.

    First of all, i certainly know i won’t get unbanned and i totally understand that

    So, i would like to play peacefully and build some things, no machines, no war, and neither ask me of politics, i won’t give my opinion on the staff also, it is what it is. (Basically, i won’t use the chat very much)

    And i can’t change anything about that.

    Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Hell no.

    Approval denied.

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