My Ship World

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  • #46402
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    Hello everyone!

    There has been a bit of hype about ships so I thought now would be a good time to share this!

    Its my creative world where I test build all my ships before I build them on the server.

    There are a lot of partially built pieces of ships as well as a few completed ships that might inspire some people.

    Anyway, enjoy!

    Here is the download:

    How to download/put it into your saves folder

    1: Click the download link

    2: You will be taken to a download. Click the green “download” button

    3: When its done, drag the file to your desktop or find it in your downloads folder

    4: Right click the file so a menu pops us and click “Extract All…”

    5: Extract it. This will create a new file that is not zipped. You can delete the original zipped file if you want

    6: Search for “%appdata%” in your start button search thing

    7: Open “%appdata%” and find “.minecraft” and “saves”

    8: Drag the unzipped file into “saves”

    9: Open minecraft and play the world

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    Wow It’s really nice, and how long did it take you to build it? Minecraft is one of my favourite hobbies because it takes a long time to develop or build something. I’m very lovely to look at. I am a huge supporter of mine. Me too, I try to crate or construct stuff, but it takes a long time. Yours is quite great. I’ve also been edited by a Moderator to remove a external link!

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    • Total: 2

    Wow It’s really nice, and how long did it take you to build it? Minecraft is one of my favourite hobbies because it takes a long time to develop or build something. I’m very lovely to look at. I am a huge supporter of mine. Me too, I try to crate or construct stuff, but it takes a long time. Yours is quite great. I’ve also been edited by a Moderator to remove a external link!

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