My full experience on this server in a brief history

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    Now, I’ve been thinking about some of my most recent events on this server and how it was such a crazy ride for me the past time I originally joined in late 2013 to early 2014. I left for about a year because the server just didn’t stick. I wanted to re-evaluate why I chose to do this and thought I should recollect the “eras” that i went through or at least recognized to cause this

    “the golden era”

    this was, quite literally, the golden age of piratecraft. You wanna know how some people on this server have so many golden apples? They made massive gold farms before the gold farms were disabled. The only 2 people that still play that I know of that had this were reptaria and unicornjunk. Also known as javainvader. Rep has stacks of op apples from this and he barely had a gold farm for a few months or so. Java I don’t even know how many he bloody has. That’s his secret. During this time I had just joined a week or so after gold farms were disabled. I think during this time I played with an irl friend of mine who had showed me the server (I’ll give my demon pirate captain chest plate from the event to whoever can guess his name). I enjoyed this short lived time span on the server. It was brought to an end immediately after what some super old players know as the hattawi brothers became a threat. Or at least I had heard of. I was very new and had practically no info being given to me. The first time I met them they came to my base in some enchanted iron with just 1 of them. Me and my friend actually killed him. So my friend logs off to go do other things. And the next thing that happens proves the hattawi brothers were dumber than a bag or bricks. They come back with 2 or 3 of them in full God armor. All I’ve got is enchanted iron. They siege me. And since i was completely new to the server me and my friend had made our bases out of cobblestone and wood planks of all things. And instead of them trying to break through it, they stand outside looking around for me to make a run for it… Due to their incompetence I was able to escape with 90% of my valuables after /giveclaiming my base to them (which was in shambles from the siege) around this time I was brought in by crazypirate1. This was when “crazypirate” was a relevant name. He was a pirate that did a modest number of raids. I helped him out on quite a bit. Can’t remember the exact number. I was the first other person to live on his pirate cove island currently named Port Royal. I eventually set up a base on the other side of the island and made a pretty nice looking base. During this time I started getting on less and less because of irl problems and such. Eventually I quit the server entirely for a year and a half. During the time this occurred

    “the crew era”

    a few months after I left crews came out for the first time. This was when things started up. Crews started forming in large numbers. Most of these crews were actual “crews” that would all act like pirates. All of these ancient crews and most of their members are gone now. If you look at my base on map you may notice it is completely destroyed. Apparently while I was gone there was a glitch with claims that deleted most if not all claims. Including the one at my base. Which apparently the hattawi brothers (how fitting) attacked it and looted everything. Over the next couple months the base stayed unclaimed getting more and more destroyed. At this point I had completely forgotten this server existed and played frequently played on another server which I will not mention. Eventually I started getting bored on there and that’s when I remembered “hey! What about that pirate themed server I tried out a long time ago?”. And that’s when I logged on again, bringing probably the biggest hellstorm in the servers history up until that point. The first big impact I had was to the first person who reached out to me when I came back. Gen_Ben or bensterpc I believe. He invited me to his crew and I got started building. Over the first days I met some crew members. Some were nice. Others killed you and kept half your stuff for walking too close them. During this time godsdead was on vacation and markusi was the only staff on mostly when I was online. One of the best things I remember was the trolling mark did. He would mess with us In the craziest ways. One time he punched me over the side of the crew hq. I fell and survived with half a heart. As the immature kid i was back then I laughed at mark for failing to kill me. Than he set me on fire and killed me. Not that I was mad about it though lol. Anyways back to what I was talking about. A few days in while i was mining I found a skeleton spawner. And bensterpc was like “let’s make it into an xp farm!” We spent about 30 minutes trying to make it with bensterpc trying to take charge. Than he left and I finished it and got it working. Unfortunately for me one of the ego filled Satan spawns in the crew hogged it the whole 30 minutes bensterpc was gone. What I believe happened next was I said as a joke “you should kill   *insert name here* and steal his bounty”. A few words were exchanged in crew chat while i wasn’t paying attention and apparently bensterpc took what I said too literally and took the bounty and GAVE HALF OF IT TO THE PERSON HE KILLED FOR IT. At this point I had no idea what would happen until it was too late. Bensterpc got banned for his 3rd warning of bounty gaming. With the leader gone the crew members online went into a spiraling inferno. I was instantly killed by someone at the xp farm and screamed at for getting bensterpc banned. The first thing I did after that was put on the strongest great I had, went back to the xp farm while nobody was looking, and killed anyone that was still there and took what I could and locked it up in my base. A while after that I was brought to live in a new base next to kellyore (jeez I have a REALLY bad reputation of joining rivaled players crews) during this time I joined stark. A crew run by seconddeath. (I’m only realizing now the people I used to work with.) after a certain amount of time in crew I grew a disliking for a abusive/corrupt co leader in the crew known as Henrick. After a while I started going in solo raids a few times and helping the EE back when they did full scale raids. This is when I learned how to make cannon traps during a raid on phoenixpirates. During this time I was told to leave the raid by Henrick because they were an ally of an ally of an ally (seriously not joking about that) I said no so Henrick kicked me from the crew. During this I flip flopped between elves and stark for a few days because Henrick kept kicking me. Eventually I decided enough was enough. I used all the homes and trust I had to steal the following items

    – 2 God sets

    – an assortment of enchantment books

    – 2 stacks of iron blocks

    – diamonds

    – 2 dubs of stone brick

    and a large number of other things some of which I still have. Long story short I made some stupid plan to try to get on seconds good side because I was extremely tired because of school and such. Which obviously failed miserably. Which literally started a miniature was between stark and elves. Now long story short I stayed in elves until the thing we all know happened. Let’s just keep the name short and to the point

    “the CoV era”

    god where do I even begin. This era was the worst one for me. Coming both ways. I was a total annoying jerk to everyone at this time which put me at the top of CoV’s head list. I built my base so fast during this area it was completely asymetrical and I didn’t even care because it worked. Well to an extent. I got insides twice during this era. One of them made me rage quit for  2-3 months. When I came back I stopped being a terrible person ( well for the most part. It’s your opinion.) and rejoined the elves for a short time. Then after that I because a crew less neutral so I could repair my reputation and attempt to join a good crew (totally not CoV). Than basically everyone knows the story up until now.

    Now I always wonder “how would have the server been different if I hadn’t left?” Well there’s one I know for sure

    The BE.

    If I had stayed until the time BE was first made, I would have most likely been second in command right after crazy pirate. Meaning when he stepped down (if he did in this alternate timeline) I would probably have been in charge. To be honest I would probably have either made BE an extremely ruthless raiding crew or made it an absolute trainwreck due to my absolutely rubbish leadership skills. And even than if I had stayed another thing might have happened!

    “A piratecraft without the red coats”

    most likely if I had stayed when crews were first made, I would have suggested crazypirate made a pirate crew. And to be honest there was probably a 50/50 chance he would’ve bloody listened! Could you imagine how different the server would be if BE didn’t exist? I couldn’t even imagine.

    Anyways enough fantasizing. I just wanted to do a brief history about my time on the server. Please excuse me for wall of text. How you guys enjoyed!

    P.S. No I’m not leaving the server, I just wanted to talk about my past a little bit

    P.P.S. @markusi13  I will always remember you as the guy that smited me until I died the first time I saw him 😛




    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

    Crazy Pirate
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    That was exciting 😛

    I can pretty much guarantee that if you’d have stayed, I would have created a Piratecrew. The British Empire came about totally by chance; living in Port Royal, I wanted to create the Royal Raiders, as a raiding crew (duh!). I think I took in Chailey at this point, and the idea of a Royal Army sprung up. But again, nothing really happened, although I made the jump from Royal Army, to Royal Navy, to Great Britain, and the onto the BE xD

    Had you remained, well, it would be very different. Without the BE, the EE probably wouldn’t have gotten as far; as the sole real Empire, people would have probably targeted it. That in turn would have probably meant other Empires would struggle to grow, because there would be no existing Empires to support them, or provide them legitimacy.

    So, whenever you guys complain nothing piratey ever happens on here, just blame alli, because if he’d chosen to stay, there wouldn’t be any Empires on here xD

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    Although I skimmed, you and I both felt the same way in the “CoV era” both annoying people lol. I love seeing this, just shows what effect this has on our memory banks xD


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    What an amazing read, thank you so much for showing me sides of PirateCraft I wouldn’t ever know about. The reason I created the wiki was so players could keep a history, but this is more of a biography!

    I love how it’s a constant change!

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    Wow, Alli you must have been very bored lol.


    Also, amazing job on the biography.



    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

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    @Crazypirate1 Y’all took chailey and pissed me off (i dont know probably you broke a dirt block or something) and i hunted down chailey and made him leave ur crew or something all i know is he mined alot at that point and i took it all. fun times lol

    @allidoisdig1234 I’m going to take a cvrack at guessing and say it was Athenmos12 who was your friend

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Nope @Unic0rnjunk101 keep guessing though. Im guessing crazypirate is the only one who knows because he’s the only one who saw him live with me  at port royal for a brief time. He left shortly after I moved to port Royal and never came back (there’s totally not a hint at the ruins of my port Royal base). If I can convince him maybe he might come back. But he’s still a deckhand after all this time. Makes me think he won’t.

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

    The Queen
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    Without the BE, the elves would remained but in shorter numbers… Our people flourished after the Great War with the BE and if wasn’t for that we wouldn’t be where we are today in a sense.

    The Evermoor would have been healed and Elven influence would have stayed in the area…. Yet I do know one thing.

    Overall I can’t thank many of you for where I myself am today also noting the fact Alli good bio.

    If it wasn’t for BE nor EE… There would be no empires really on this server. There wouldn’t even have been a hardtimez war , half and most of wars are fought against empire which keeps the server running in a constant pvp flow… Without that I wonder what today would be like if two old twin empire wouldn’t still be where they are today.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Am I allowed to guess the friend? Its kind of cheating if I have access to all the logs haha!

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    @Godsdead knock yourself out. But prepare to dig through 2-3 years of logs lol

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    @godsdead knock yourself out. But prepare to dig through 2-3 years of logs lol

    haha dammit you called me out! Yeah I thought about it and was like.. sod that!

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    i was on during the gold ages, I just didn’t know what was the use for them until after they were gone.


    lemme guess. It’s Bensterpc or TimHuismen


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    @mrdork nope. It was WAAAAAAAAY before bensterpc. Like during the time of the hattawi brothers

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    *emerges from grave*


    I know who it is! It’s me!

    Or TacoBeware. One of those two


    *goes back into grave*


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