My friend gave me this account.

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests My friend gave me this account.

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  • #65471
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    Current Username: Tabbycatt26
    Username when banned: 3rddecibel
    UUID: 6e4fe653-d6d7-4240-8c4c-cb10ce308da2
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: lazydog11

    Unban Appeal (I don’t know what my friend did, I just hope I can play this server thank you for reading.)

    • Topics: 68
    • Replies: 478
    • Total: 546
    • ★★★★★★

    You was banned for being an alt, you was banned mins after what 3rddecibel was banned for xray, which i who you are an alt of.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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