My Brief Update

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    Crazy Pirate
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    Right, for most of you, this is going to effect you very little, but to others, this may be important, so listen in.

    I have recently become  very busy in real life, as everyone has decided to shower me with opportunity at the same point. This is quiet a hard point in my life, and I am thinking through every decision carefully, because ultimately, whichever avenue I chose will define my future, and that’s something that, to me, matters a lot. I’m not complaining that I have so many paths to chose, but it is slightly overwhelming, and has very much contributed to some of my following choices. I won’t bore you with the details, however.

    I’ll begin by saying that my time as leader of the British Empire is coming to a close, and I am leaving for my 3 week long holiday late Friday night; with the elections for replacement occurring shortly after my return, I am effectively handing power over to Michty, and my successor in that position. Hopefully this will be something that many people contend for, because if I’ve done my job properly, it is a potion that holds a fair bit of power.

    This swiftly leads me onto my next bit of news. This is arguably more important. I have chosen not to run for re-election, despite all the support, encouragement and the fact that I could control the BE once more. The simple fact is, I don’t want to. Being at the helm of such a large group of people, for such a long time, has worn me down. Often, the drama’s of my members isn’t put to the staff, but instead, I’ve had to act as judge, jury and executioner, dealing with petty and major squabbles alike. For 6 months, for 130 people, this has proved a struggle. And so, I have decided my time is up there.

    That decision to leave was made up long before anyone knew about it, as before this drama began to wear me down, I was busy, and planning many things besides.

    Now, while leaving that role will free up much of my time, I am a firm believer in the fact my legacy will only hamper me; I wish to completely leave leadership, yet I think my reputation won’t permit that. I fear people will still ask me to fix things, both within and out of the BE, and that is something I don’t wish to do anymore. I don’t have commands, I can’t issue set punishments that people abide to, and so I am limited in my ability to issue justice. This isn’t directed at anyone in particular, but in short, that’s me saying that if you have issues, it is no longer me you go to.

    With that newfound free time, I plan on finishing Buckingham palace, although that is likely to take such a long time, the very thought unnerves me a bit. But, I also wish to dedicate that time to my studies, to my family, and my girlfriend. None of whom have been neglected during my stay on this server, however, they are deserving of far more attention. By no means, am  I leaving the server, al least, not until I have done a fair portion of the work I have left; it just means I am likely to become inactive.

    The work I intend to do is varied, but for the sake of saving both time and effort, I shall describe it as such; I hope to fully thank the server, and furthermore, the community, by helping it in any way I can. I will do my upmost to ensure the release of muskets, to guarantee that it isn’t a project put on hold, and that it becomes a key part of the server.

    Piratecraft has changed a lot since I first joined. I’ve made friends, and enemies, I’ve been banned, and rewarded, warned, muted, cheered, the lot, and I never fail to mention this when I get nostalgic. This is all stemming from the fact I visited Nassau today, and the fact that to many of you, such a location has no place in your memories. It makes me feel sad, when  I think of all the people I have known and lost over the years, but at the same time, organisations like the BE, the EE, and well, pirates, have forged some friendships I’ll remember forever.

    But, I do miss so many people, and I ask this of the community; I wish, I truly do, that someone could provide me with a way to talk to them again. Adzybaba, Milky Street, Phantom_doctor_101 (banned), Timhuisman, Sambobington. There are so many people, from the old map, or this one, who have since left the server, as I too must do in the future. I don’t wish to forget them, or what we did together. That is all I ask.

    This isn’t a goodbye as such, it’s more of a warning, that after my 3 weeks away, I won’t spend long on this server. It’s a sorta weird post, with little purpose, other than to inform you  that you are only ever going to see less of me. I wish the new Prime Minister luck, and to all my friends that Ii have made on this server, it’s been a laugh. I’ve got so many great memories, from the beginning, and end, of spleef, to the raiding of adzybaba’s grand southern fleet; the many wars I’ve fought in, the many more I’ve lost (and some, surprisingly, won 🙂 ). There are a lot of things I wish I could’ve said, or done, but when I look at the website, and in game, I’m proud of what I’ve done with your support, the community and its members, old and new. Hopefully I can still add to that, and so I think I’ll end this post with a few of my greatest memories.

    Joining the server, and finding the hand island, and the terrformed grave island.

    Traveling to the first cove, then getting slain by reaper, by his lighthouse. Then, finding my island, and building my secret mountain base. Suggesting adzy become a mod was a mistake, as he shortly raided me, much to my horror. I raided him back, after having a hissy fit on the forums.

    Becoming mates with adzy, and bringing our madness to 1.7.2, and the new map. Reaper finding me in a hole, and all but killing me on the spot. Lol. Living in that derpy little obby hut, “testing” for bugs.

    Getting mentioned in my first blog post. A thanks no less! Then, building the magpie, and getting that pictured in the canons blog. Lol.

    The fall of the Batavian Empire, but the rebirth of Port Royal. Double wammy. The war with Shiphoo ruled.

    All my many wars with uni, and his lads. Great banter.

    Finding this: (actually, not cool, I could break the website with this…maybe later)

    Winning BOTY, and BOTM! And the comp to name a new rank!


    And, well, lots of other things besides. Anyways, I hope you got the message; I won’tbe around for long, so enjoy me while I last!


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    I can relate. school is almost starting and the hell of studies that I went threw was called “nothing” by my teachers nothing compared too was up next. there’s a strong heat wave where I live weach means classes will only last 30 minutes making the home work 300% more (not even exaggerating) leaving me with almost no time too even think about logging in….but I’m not gonna change you’re forum to my story. I wish you the best of luck crazy . and happy holidays!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Crazy, a good man. He was one of my best friends, even thought I killed him 20 times, then he killed me 20 times, were evenly friends. Crazy was a good leader, a dedicated man, I’d say. Good luck. Good luck crazypirate, you deserve luck and faith. Have fun on your journeys.


    Bye Crazy,



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    I’m sad to see you…go inactive? Although I’m guessing that means, very inactive. Never the less I will miss you.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    Hi Crazy, have a happy holiday, make the right choices for your future live, and we wil see you around on the server. Good luck.

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    This is so sad. Im gonna miss you man. If it wasnt for you i’d not be a leader like i am today. You inspired me. Protected me. Stood up for me and gave me so many ideas. I will never forget you crazy and i doubt the server will either. Thanks for all the good times and goodluck with your future – Icanra

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

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    Crazy….you were the guy i built my village next to without realising.
    Ah well you did an awesome job and i guess you deserve your quiet-time now tofocus on life and all this important stuff.
    Good luck with your life. May it be as long as you wish and as hard as you desire it.
    ….have a good time 🙂

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    CrazyPirate, I will miss you very much.

    you were the first friend I made on this server, and it will be very hard to see you go.

    the server won’t be the same without you, and you were a brilliant and couragious man


    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    You’ll be missed. I know I’m not in your crew, but my vote is for Ephrygian. He’s a stand up gent.

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    Bye bye ;-;

    Founder of the Coalition

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    we will miss u Crazy “salutes”

    go the IRON ARMY

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    I remember the time I voted for you.i wasent even BE I secretly voted for you as an ally (wich shount have count) so in a way you’re pm rank was rigged XD (I think paul removed my vote so I cant say if the vote counted or not)


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    The Queen
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    Aw! My generation is slowly leaving and being replaced by the new generation.

    I see piratecraft in good hands though crazy is leaving this is adding him to the pile 🙁

    Old Generation

    Aniviankevinlu, Reptaria, Athenmos, wazze, bislo, cornetheus999, unicornjunk101, KarimNaba, Michael_tylric, crazy pirate, ChaileyOfficial, JollyTheOllie, Dr.Solid, alstates, Mehehheheh, Ketonleon, Nic11834902, F1istpump, wkersey, azuries, timhuisman, darklight, ravenfalls, and few others.

    Many of people have become in active or just got flat out banned but some are still active 🙂

    Crazy we go wayy back and I wanna say yo did good work!

    *Salutes* O>

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    rep crazy is way off our generation(and when I say off I mean ooooffffffffffffff )…his like one of THE FIRST PLAYERS EVER in piratecraft like more then 2 years.we may be old yes but crazy is the grandpa of the grandpas….

    also @crazypirate1 this is the most badass grandpa I could find….plz change you’re pic to it for one day atlist XD

    View post on


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    Crazy Pirate
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    Well, my holiday begins, see you all in 21 days…

    And Vape, I want those 10k claimblocks back!

    And whoever runs for PM, gl!

    And callie, read my website message!

    And godsy, trail those texturpacks

    And everyone, have fun on the server and on holiday. See ya all!

    (I might use Minechat if I can, once or twice)

    (Also, the last time I said don’t break the server, the hattawis came, so yeah, um, I won’t say that, cause you will)

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