My apologies to everyone

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  • #32025
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    So over these… 2 months?… That I’ve been gone I have had time to reflect on what happened and I have come to a conclusion; I was extremely stupid. I would like to formally apologize to every single person I have ever annoyed and I would like to say it is completely my fault. Once again I will not mention names but it is kind of obvious who I am talking about. I look forward to coming back soon. Hopefully a little less stupid than when I left. Thank you for understanding

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    Great to see your back 🙂


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    Cant wait to see you back dude!


    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

    • Topics: 23
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    I didn’t really get what you did but i really liked your OLD (1-2 years old) buildings…
    Hope to see you back on with other nice buildings.

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