Moved: JUSA's [Report] Horsia Harassment

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    Oh yes I forgot to reply to maiz. So, we had a little issue with Leon which have been resolved, but he said he was unclaiming his base and there were going to be godsets, so we kinda expected people to show up. And of course, they did, and we fought them. Although, we didn’t sit there and wait for them to come. We went to donate and when we saw them we killed them after we went outside. If pvp isn’t allowed at donator island, then I don’t understand why it is enabled there. I will ask some staff about it but last I checked it wasn’t illegal, as there have been lots of fights there.

    Lol you guys started smacking me as soon as I spawned in the building.

    Death to da Brits
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    Just as a bit of evidence to back Jusa’s statment, i wasent going to post these but now jusa brought it up i might aswell. Here is 2 screen shoots showing Leon326 saying in open chat that he is unclaiming his base and go to /warp donate to get free gsets. The second screen is of where Wemb and Galaxy219 is trying to say there was nothing wrong with it but as jusa has said… they where camping warp donate spawn after a player related to them said there was a god drop party.

    Now this isent down to me and it isent my decision to make but this whole act looked just like a trap to me where someone related to horsia said there was a dp at warp donate and then the rest of them just sat at the warp room and killed anyone who came.

    (this was very late at night for me so i mustn’t of been thinking right and i didnt actually take screens of the killings…)

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    Edit: i posted the wrong link and it only showed 1 screen shot.

    Crazy Pirate
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    There we go, created you guys your own thread 😉

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    Ill add it here too.

    JUSA and Turkey, we weren’t with Leon at the time. We just raided his shop, but we didn’t want him to fully quit and get rid of his base so they tos to stop people from getting there.

    Stop trying to accuse us for something when you only know half the story.


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    All i have reported here was that horsia camped a warp after someone said there will be a dp at it, and you have just said that horsia didnt want him to quit so killed so to “stop people from getting there”


    Weather yous are with leon or not, you just admited to camping a warp to try to stop people getting stuff from the dp.

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    Turkeyman, I find it funny how (TAS) all of s sudden frown’s upon now and then Deckie’s getting killed.

    Because when my brother aka Captain_Jones was spawn killed many times in his base when he was a sublet and yet no one started pissing and moaning about that so really people stop being bias.

    And there should be no excuse (Cough Cough Cysteen) about saying well that was a long time ago because it doesn’t matter if it was a long time ago it happened and its the same thing thats happening now!

    Leader of (The New Viking Empire) and former member of (Horsia).

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    Turkeyman, I find it funny how (TAS) all of s sudden frown’s upon now and then Deckie’s getting killed. Because when my brother aka Captain_Jones was spawn killed many times in his base when he was a sublet and yet no one started pissing and moaning about that so really people stop being bias. And there should be no excuse (Cough Cough Cysteen) about saying well that was a long time ago because it doesn’t matter if it was a long time ago it happened and its the same thing thats happening now!

    Well… did anyone actually report it? Generally if someone breaks the rules and gets caught either there are staff online or someone reports it.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    Ill add it here too. JUSA and Turkey, we weren’t with Leon at the time. We just raided his shop, but we didn’t want him to fully quit and get rid of his base so they tos to stop people from getting there. Stop trying to accuse us for something when you only know half the story.

    Whether ya’ll were with Leon or not doesnt matter… As you’ve stated here in your post, “They tos to stop people from getting there.” You’ve acknowledged the fact that they indeed did camp the spawn of warp donate (whether it was to protect leon or just simply waiting on kills really does not matter), and thus continue in the shady actions they’ve been accused of many times up until this point.

    I will commend Horsia for their decrease in toxic attitude/chat, but their actions still display very questionable behavior and I really think this should be looked into by upper staff. If they deem spawn camping warps to be legal and acceptable, then this post has no merit; if they agree that camping warps is in fact punishable, then action needs to be taken as you’ve admitted to it both in the screenshots and here on the forums.


    And, as to not knowing the entire story…I was messaging Leon the entire time, I was the one killed by the players in the questionable way, and I was one of the ones submitting the report. I fail to see how I only know part of the story.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
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    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

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    If you aren’t sure that this was 100% illegal how where they? If this is a rule it needs to be written down. You cant punish a player for something when nobody knows its a rule. I’ve been playing for 2 years and have never heard of it.

    So Ye they tpd to warp donate to kill. They found out the same time everyone else did. Its not like they new before hand and waited for 10 minutes for everyone to come.

    If they do get punished for this, a rule that never is enforced or stated. Then  everyone should be careful for anything they do if rules are just going to be randomly made and enforced.

    Also I checked your punishment checker and it has no warning for this? So if they do get punished you will to as you admitted to do the same thing. (Shown in turkeys screenshots)

    Crazy Pirate
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    I in no way presume to know the staff’s opinion or judgment on this matter, but there are rules that could interpreted as to mean that this is wrong. However, it is equally likely that this will be seen as totally legal piratic practice, and as part of the game. The power to make this distinction lies with staff and staff alone.

    1) Be polite & respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying, etc) [Rule 1]

    – Claiming there is a drop party at a warp, then killing any arriving players could be deemed trolling, but, could be seen as normal gameplay.

    2) Use common sense. [Rule 9]

    – These rules aren’t exhaustive.
    If something doesn’t appear in these rules but seems like it should be forbidden, then it probably is!
    Ask staff members if in doubt.

    3) Anything any member of staff says, goes. [Rule 2]

    -So regardless, if staff see this as wrong, it will be punished. Equally, if they think its legitimate, its allowed, and the matter is taken no further.


    Once again, I’m not pretending to know how the staff will react to this report, but rather I am ensuring everyone knows that staff do have the power to come to their own conclusion, and enforce it, regardless. This could be interpreted as totally legal, or totally not, but its entirely at the discretion of staff to make that distinction.

    I’d suggest that unless more evidence is put forward, you guys stop debating the semantics and wait for staff to make their own judgement.


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    Crazy,id just like to say one thing Leon was giving away his base. It wasn’t a dp. Warp donate was the closest warp to Leons base and Leon didn’t make this up just so they could get free kills. They didn’t even know this was going to happen. And tpd the same time everyone else did. In your post it sounded like you thought this was intentional and they did this just to get people to tp when that was not the case, just so staff understands that.


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    Well AstroBolt he didn’t know forums were a thing then and whats funny why didn’t Cysteen report it she keep’s reporting us for what (They) as in some now (TAS) members..(This Does include xMadMonkeyx when he was known as Datboi or something)…But the fact of the matter is Cysteen was doing the same thing we are so how is it Harassment now when they did it then (And yes I understand things change but that should be no excuse)..

    What I honestly think is this is a pirate server let players do pirate things its ok to wanna build cool building’s or ships but if you wanna take the chance of losing G-tool’s thats up to you but to pretty much try and take away the PVP away from the server so you can basically turn Pmc into a Pirate Role-play or Creative building server:And from what I understand from the very little I’ve talked to him he wanted this server to be a Pirate themed pvp server…

    But as for the famous last saying Cysteen has said a lot that because of players killing Deckie’s that there are no new players..The Matter of that fact is there are and the ones that get killed and rage quit have no right to be here because the try hard players who actually read Guids on the website will probably end up donating which means Godsy is getting a little more cash in his pocket which is good..

    So Cysteen Im not attacking you personally but you try to play on the feelings of Godsy I think a little bit but if you look at what some of the players are they are whining babies who think the (Staff) should come running to there every command: And Because (Staff) doesn’t they end up quitting the server, But the TryHard players they bring pop to the server and if there not good at it they go to a KitPvp server and learn

    which is why they are called   “TryHards” aka kinda like Captain_Jones and Galaxy219 they got spawn killed and raided a lot when they were dickies:Now to just clarify I’m not trying to pat them or myself on the back I’m just stating fact’s and what to me seems like the stats of whats going on.

    Gimme a like if you agree on this.       <span style=”color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Leader of (The New Viking Empire) and former member of (Horsia).</span>

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    And yes when I said pop I mean’t pvp it auto corrected and i didn’t notice while typing. lol

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    I’m not sure if this has been cleared up, but jusa, we raided Leon’s shop and he got mad and said he was going to unclaim and that there were free god sets at warp donate. I went there and started walking. Then all of a sudden I hear people start saying “JUSA IS AT WARP DONATE” and I told them to kill you. I don’t know what exactly happened, but if you are saying that we all waited there, than that is a 100% lie. I also tried to tell fatal to give your gset back because it might have been gotten unfairly, but he declined. If it makes you that happy, I can give you a set for free. But none of us sat inside of warp donate and waited for you. We got there at the same time as you and we saw you there and decided to kill you. Again if it makes you happy I can give you a set back.

    I dont want to be the bad guy anymore

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    PvP has now been disabled at /warp donate. Closed.

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