Morro Was Duping

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    Current Username: Morro_of_Mordor
    Username when banned: RengokuCatz
    UUID: 6b3f2838-1564-4b76-a4ca-c8a63f00367f
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: EisenGraf

    I was banned for duping and alting to avoid duping, i duped because i thought it would make me better, it didnt although i lied to multiple players that it did ex: DeDerpyDerp. Ive thought it over and duping in the first place was a bad idea because i knew it would get me banned but i did it anyway. i was also not very kind to some players after being banned. its been roughly a year since ive been banned and i think im ready for a fresh start if thats alright with the rest of the community.

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    Personally think he shows remorse and is sorry for what he has done and deserves a second chance

    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

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    Personally think he shows remorse and is sorry for what he has done and deserves a second chance

    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

    • Topics: 8
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    • Total: 18

    yeah dude he deserves to be unbanned, unlike me :]

    Olpx you also put that message twice dude

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    I’m glad to hear you’re starting to learn from your mistakes. However, the bad behavior went beyond just duping and alting, there were signs to scam, bypassing mutes, and just all around bad behavior. After careful consideration by the moderation team, we have decided that, at this time, you will not be returning to PirateCraft. Maybe appeal in a year, once more time has passed.

    -May the winds be at your back

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