More Options to Raiding……

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    I have a idea to make raiding for “tolerable”.

    Nowadays raiding someone accounts to the command /siege where raiders are able to break “soft blocks” that are claimed by the person. But there is a loophole to this mechanic, where siegers cannot break “hard blocks” such as logs or stone bricks….. So usually raids consist of one person hiding in a stone box with raiders standing outside unable to get in cuz they cant break ANY blocks! I thought this was PirateCraft not sit outside and waste 20 minutes of your life craft.   Now on to my Idea

    I realized that most players don’t even do ship battles anymore, maybe own a ship for fun or for traveling, but that’s just it! But then I realized something…..Canons, Canons that can blow up blocks of any kind and with special ammunition with special purposes such as melon seeds for mobs, or DIAMOND for obsidian, OBSIDIAN!!!, but who in the right mind would put OBSIDIAN on their ship???!! (or submarine).

    Then I realized that these canons might be able to take down a players base that’s composed of “hard blocks”. Of course I tried it but IT DOESNT WORK, it seems that hard blocks even during a siege is immune to explosions.. which I present my idea…………..Please allow canons to destroy hard blocks during a siege. Reasons are….

    #3 It makes raiding more easier and fun

    #2 It would be fair as you can only raid ONLINE players

    #1 And most important of all, it encourages ship combat more, breathing new life into the title Piratecraft

    You all remember that scene from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean The curse of the black Pearl, starring  Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom?. You know…the scene where Jacks in the prison and then the badass ship the Pearl starts blasting away at Port Royal?, if you remember how awesome it was, then you’ll definitely know how awesome it would be if that scene could be recreated in this server!!!!

    Would you guys rather fight like pirates on ships or would you rather do the simple “wait in god armor outside of a unbreakable stone house”?


    So please, please have it so cannons can destroy hard blocks. PLEASE!!!!! that would be awesome 😀

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    people could just set up cannons at others base, no need for ships at all this doesn’t fix the fact that ships are not efficient to use

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    yes but ships are a side factor, this is about raiding, and besides it wouldn’t be like the raiders would raid a persons base while hes offline, it would only work during a siege, in which the person that being raided HAS to be online. Thus he would have a chance to fight back………

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    But the ships can be efficiently be used to raid, if a players base is near or in water then why not ride a ship and raid them, plus the added mobility to the canons in water would benefit greatly (since players can shoot back) and make it more fun 😉

    Smokey River
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    I agree with making things around siege a little different. But being able to destroy every block in the game to me is like saying screw the claim aspect all together.



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    Maybe diamonds can be used to destroy hard blocks, but one diamond only destroys like one block. Or maybe using wither heads as “heavy cannon balls” if the diamonds are too cheap of a resource for such a large gain of destroying hard blocks. This could make sieges possible on the toughest of bases, but is the wealth spent worth the reward ;D

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    Yeah, Gods has looked at this idea before & has usually replied with a no.

    I don’t think there will be much difference this time other than @nicholas ‘ idea above my comment.

    Crazy Pirate
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    This was once the case, that diamonds could be used as ammo to destroy anything, including obsidian. The walls of Port Royal are reinforced with obsidian, just to make them stronger 😛

    It got disabled for a reason, but stone bricks are far to easy to mass produce. Anyone can build a stonebrick hut, and from that point on it makes you invulnerable, and it means new players arr the only ones you can really raid.

    Maybe stonebricks can be broken by cannonballs (cobblestone), logs by buckshot, and something else by clusterbomb, so you have to be equipped with different weapons per raid. If you made it so the hard blocks regenerated, that would be cool too 😛

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    Cannons blowing up hard blocks got disabled because the regen feature of griefprevention was removed

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Hana there have been lots of posts like this, answer is always no.


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    This would be ridiculous because the big dogs would obliterate everybody else on the server and once people know where you live that’s it, you would be done for.

    Do not horse

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    Doesn’t that already happen BurningEyes?


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    It is kind of true, but you do have a chance if you’re in a block or you don’t do anything stupid. But now, there will be no way at all to stay safe from them. They can get anywhere except your enderchest. We can still make vaults right now, we won’t be able to in the future or we’ll have to make a huge claim so the cannons cant shoot all the way into your base. Both ways are not such a good idea.



    Do not horse

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    Allowing hard blocks to be destroyed would make it so that the more powerful pirate crews would dominate over all the weaker ones and make ships even more impracticable and make this wonderful server become another one of those faction servers. Everyone would start building giant ugly bases and the community that plays mainly to build would leave. The small amount of new players that read the instructions would build a base and then get easily raided then rebuild a base and then get raided till they quit because allowing breakable blocks doesn’t change the fact that newbie bases are easier to raid. Also one of the main reasons that no one uses ships is because they are slower than vanilla boats and that makes them vulnerable to being hijacked or blown up and allowing harder blocks to be broken would make protecting ships even harder. Now some of you say that there new players could just join crews but all the crews that accept the majority of people would no longer exist. Most pirate crews only accept people who are good at pvp and wouldn’t accept the majoriy of these people and they would leave. Now I guess a possible increase in pirates from this decision might happen and make this server a bit more pirateish, but then again there wouldn’t be any countries, beautiful cities, and ships left so I don’t think there would be much pirate theme or piratecraft community left…

    P.S: I don’t think making the more expensive blocks break proof helps new people because it usually takes expensive tools to obtain that expensive stuff, stuff that raiders would likely take when they raid their not yet siege proof base. And also requiring expensive items to breaks blocks doesn’t change the fact that the people who are at the top are filthy rich with expensive items…



    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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