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  • #52101
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    I have been on other servers more recently lately and’ have noticed that servers (over all) with more games have more people and’ I was thinking what if we were able to branch of into other games not just piratemc but saying this some people like factions some people like creative mode or survival games maybe even a more modern ship game like your ship runs on engines not sails or maybe a kit PVP server just to test your pvp skills and not lose everything you own on the server because you wanted to fight but all I am saying that if we branched into more games creative survival games kit PVP etc. I think that the server would attract more people which means more money for the server and then you just keep growing into more games CTF and whenever if this does happen trust me it will make this server have a brighter future. I know this sounds like a lot but it will take time but in the future we might just be the #1 server it might take a while though but I’m pretty sure we could do it. Anyways don’t go crazy and start a riot its just a suggestion. P.S my grammar sucks I’m sorry.

    Yes I Might be a noob but I will never give up on killing everyone.

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    I agree, we have a games server under construction, but it got put on hold when I went on holiday and then came back to a bunch of stuff to fix! ill have to dive back into it!

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