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  • #27663
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    As most of you know, I’m broke ? I need money and nobody hires people for work like building/breaking. I was thinking moderators can make jobs, and get paid for digging! I think the deckys wood love this. Add job ranks too so like numerical order. Ever played the escapists and levelled up in intellect and stuff? Like that! The higher rank you are, the more your salary. Or make a pawn shop! Or kit money! You also must know about that 100 claim blocks per hour thing too? Add some money, like 20 bucks per hour! @Godsdead please deliver your criticism on this topic rather than any other, and don’t close it until there is a few voices delivering their ideas. I do prefer to keep things on topic rather than saying WELL YOU’RE THE IDIOT WHO GAMBLED OR THEIR MONEY AWAY! If you were about to type that you are 20% true and but as Chailey once said after I said to him YOU SCAMMED 200 BUCKS OFF ME AND YOU HAVE 20 NOW!?

    I quote “<i>it’s none of your business what I do with my money!”</i>

    Anyway back on topic, share your feedback, who wants to run the pawn shop? Who wants kit money? Who wants work? I’m sure ALOT of deckys and empty handed people plus @vapecloudbear (because you said you were broke) would be very “on board” with this idea. (I AM SO PUNNY! HAHAHAHA BECAUSE IT’S A PIRATE SERVER AND ON BOARD LIKE A SHIP! HAHAHAHA) sorry.

    PUN PARTY!???

    sorry again, anyway PLEZ answer with my name at the end for a ? Emoji



    King Ben
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    Why not sell claim blocks?

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    A type of quarry that you would get money when you mined in it.

    I don’t know.

    Do not horse

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    Players should earn $20 per hour? Are you nuts?! That’s $9’600 per day played! The inflation would absolutely wreck the economy more than it already is.

    I’m sorry to say; in real life you don’t get money for doing nothing unless you live in a welfare state.

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    I know Im the rich one saying this, but thats stupid. Its not hard to earn money. You can sell wood to cove, sell items to shops, to players, trade, get bounties, sell claim blocks (play more), and win the lotto. If you’re complaining about money you’re lazy. Now, get up off your butt and go make some money! 😛

    I'm the General of the British Empire. (yep, that happened)

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    Yeah “I can do what I want with my money” or yeah “Its not your business about what I do with my money”.  OK you lose all your money and your broke (?????) but its your fault you lost it and its ur responsibility to earn it back.  Please stay away from the gambling machines and follow what gottalovepunks said MINE CHOP AND SELL IT.  Don’t be lazy and ask for money every hour (thats too OP) and don’t hire yourself out (???).  First get a nice crew (protection) and just start mining or start chopping and go to cove and sell it.  ANY noob knows (or should) that in an economy/survival/faction server.  Plus jobs would be too OP too.  The server would turn into a prison server, Godsy has said that there will be no Infinite mines or shops, warp food isn’t an infinite shop either, its all refilled by KellyYore.

    But why do you need money?? You could go through this server without money and still prosper well.  I’m not saying money is useless but cmon don’t try and make it easy for you to get it.  Just get out into the wild and actually play de game.

    Criticism is Advice, I Bring Criticism (You Can Quote Me On This)

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    Okay, thank you for your ideas. 20 bucks per hour was a bit over the top. Sorry for wasting your time on something so stupid. I will sell some logs, and paulonfire is right, if money goes up sales would go up so it’s practically a pointless ask. Can we sell cobblestone anywhere?


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    U can sell stuff at my shop /warp trade walk straight, turn right and go to TAMS shop

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    I really think we should do the whole server money events thing more frequent I really want a treasure hunt or a massive ship wreck

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    This is an old topic and I believe money is no longer nessesary, just sell your  claims I earned 2000 dollars from it last night.


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    Selling claimblocks is a real fast money maker but you won’t have the blocks when you need ’em so it’s not the best idea.


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