Mojang EULA Enforcement

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    Ok, anyone wondering about this, read what I wrote for an example of what Mojang’s EULA is NOT, then read GodsDead’s post to learn what it is. I had not done my research properly, so big thanks to him for straightening everything out.



    Okay, so firstly, I wasn’t sure where to post this, so if I’m in the wrong section, sorry in advance.

    Alright, now, onto my point. In case you don’t know, Mojang announced some time ago(18 months ago, I think) that it was going to start enforcing their updated EULA. For those of you who don’t know, the EULA stated that servers could no longer sell advantages to players that had to be payed for with hard currency. Hard currency, here, entails actual real-life money. Servers could only sell cosmetics for hard currency, and could only sell any items that would give a player an advantage for soft currency(ingame money) or make it otherwise available to players who did not wish to pay real money. This was intended to cut back on pay to win servers.


    Now, Mojang’s enforcement of the EULA has started. In the latest 1.9 pre-releases, about 30 servers are blacklisted. These servers were given warnings and instructions to change their shops to work with the EULA two months prior to being blacklisted.


    Now then, as any of you can see, PirateCraft does not conform to the EULA, because of the donator ranks and the perks given to them. While I, personally, don’t see much of a problem on our server, I’m sure Mojang will, if they come upon it. So, with this post, I just wanted to alert everyone who did not already know of this, and ask @godsdead how he plans to change this server’s system to conform with the EULA, if he plans to at all.


    Anyway, if you have anything at all to contribute to this topic, reply below and I will add anything I missed to this post. Please correct me ASAP if I’m wrong on any of this. Sorry if the post is a bit long, but thanks for reading and it anyway. As thanks, you get a cookie! Here you go! ?

    The Queen
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    Now this server is NOT a pay to win donation wise. You can buy claimblocks for a reasonable amount of money and the ranks are not bad. The highest you can get here is 20 dollars for a iron captain kit and a crapple.

    Other minecraft servers would make you go to $500 for unlimated God sets and God Apples. Even creative mode!

    This server is going along with the EULA policy! If gods was disobeying the EULA policy, Mojang officials would have put the server on blacklist before we were even able to upgrade the server to 1.9.2++

    Before the update godsdead recently made he would have been shut down before he was able to even fully go through if he never met requirements. Mojang is alerted and checks the servers shop, if it meets requirements the server is safe. In addition Mojang officials will have had to email gods months in advance before blacklisting if failing to comply if he violated any terms of service and he didn’t lol.


    Again, nothing to worry about. This is not some million dollar server. It is not a multi thousand dollar company. Nor is it a Mega Server! This server is a normal moderate minecraft server that does meet EULA requirements!

    EULA is simply in affect for servers who don’t lower their prices for all to be able to purchase instead of a max of $500 ranks!

    🙂 Had to clear it up!


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Hm. I guess we’ve been looking at different sources regarding the EULA. From what I read, I believed that Mojang was sick and tired of parents contacting them trying to get refunds for the ten thousand dollars their children spent for perks on servers, and thus made it so under the new EULA, only cosmetics could be purchased, not anything that could give a player an advantage over someone else who had not paid or made it so the perk/item could be gained in game without paying, too. This is unfortunately a very thin line between keeping the game fair and enticing people to donate enough to keep the server running. Thanks anyway for adding some information here, I’ll get around to updating my post once I’ve gotten some sleep.

    The Queen
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    No problem! It’s just they contact the owners far ahead of time, and they are not ending donations they firs ask to reduce major cost. I’d post the link but the man named 31 servers, which I can not post or I might get in major trouble!


    its a trusted news source, I’ll send it to you in pm

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Im sure that staff have full control of this, and already sorted this out, this is actually a little bit respectless. This is a problem that staff can solve themself, there’s no reason to post it at the forum! If you in any way suspect that the staff missed something while creating this server (and modifying it in several years) you should contact them by doing private message over forum, or /mail ingame.


    Here is a link to the Minecraft EULA –



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    @Creepermorderen Thanks man, im glad im not the only one that really understands what was ment by Potato making that post.

    I run PirateCraft solo as a side-project that takes up at least 5 hours of my day, every day, I would make more money having a second job working 1 extra hour a day than running PirateCraft. If all funds stopped, then so would PirateCraft. If you are against people donating for my time, then you should just leave. The EULA was not made for servers like PirateCraft at all, I did plan on making my own EULA post if we ever got “called up”, The reason I have not posted out my stance on the EULA is because its not needed as we haven not been approached by Mojang Enforcement (They are an entirely separate company hired by Mojang/Microsoft). There is absolutely no point causing argument until there is need for it, I loath drama and you are only creating this post to start some @Redstone_Potato.

    Since @Redstone_Potato hasn’t stated any information at all about the EULA, I guess I better spend an hour writing up some background and knowledge, since nearly every comment I read across forums on the internet from “players” on whatever server they play on is completely misinformed with very poor judgement.

    The EULA is a Blog post, We don’t use the mojang server jar, we use a forked version of Spigot, Mojang Enforcement (They are an entirely separate company hired by Mojang/Microsoft) do contact servers before any action is taken asking you to be compliant, There are currently 13 blocked servers, out of the millions and millions of servers out there the only way you would get called up is if someone went out their way to get us called up, we are a tiny tiny server in comparison to the majority of servers and 90% are not EULA compatible.

    The entire server admin community agrees the blacklist is a disgusting underhanded tactic taken by Mojang servers as they just display the server as unreachable in the server list, assuming the server is down.

    The entire point of the EULA when it was first conceived was to protect Mojang from the damage these giant (Thousands of players at a time) pay2win servers that sell kits for $1000 IRL, Kids using their parents cards and buying these absurd kits, these parents only understood it was “minecraft” so they would then try and get their money back from “minecraft” instead of these giant servers raking in insane amounts of money. These scumbag servers ran by inbred children are the sole selfish reason why this EULA exists, these assholes deserve to be taken down and stamped on for ruining effort and progression made by legitimate server owners that don’t create a server to rip off kids parents.

    Believe me when I tell you, I knew about the blacklist and EULA way before it was published, us Server owners have our own communities we talk in. Also Its not 30 blocked servers, its 13, you can see from the actual list from Mojang Direct.
    The hashes have been unhashed into a list that’s updated, the reason it fluctuates is that servers can be taken off the blacklist once you are compliant. Current banned servers

    So far the smart asses that have emailed me about being EULA compliant, I wouldn’t consider able to tie their own shoelaces, these people just want donator perks for free, they think they are being smart by spewing utter uninformed garbage.

    Its only since Microsoft bought Minecraft that they are trying to bleed every penny they can from it at every angle, this is why the entire minecraft community is much younger than when it first started. The sole reason minecraft is as popular as it is today, is primarily that peolpe built servers, they rewrote the server to allow plugins, they made plugins, they made mini games, they built websites, and advertised the game, they made minecraft for what it is today, put in thousands and thousands of hours and now that all the hard work has been done creating billions of minecraft accounts Microsoft is putting that shank into Server owners backs cutting off them being able to make a shred of money off all their hard work so they will die out and they can sell Their Realms Servers, their own hosted server solution, funny they have no issue charging to use their hosted servers?

    Whats going to happen to PirateCraft if we get called up? First of all, it’ll be like getting hit by lightning, there are currently 13 of of the Millions of minecraft servers blocked, you only win that lottery if someone is out there to get you, or if you really are ripping off kids parents.

    What happens is I talk to the Enforcement agent to see what we can keep and what we cant, I strip down the donator ranks, remove the in-game cash for sale or whatever else they bully me into, and add “cosmetic” perks, that don’t really fill the gap, nobody buys donator ranks and slowly but surly PirateCraft will die out, thats what happens.

    You know what really pisses me off? These things are not even part of Minecraft, there are no ranks in default minecraft, there are no plugins, no commands like we have, no currency, None of this at all is actually minecraft, they are plugins created by third parties.

    For right now, i’m going to keep going as we are, we know this works, you don’t “fix” what isn’t broken.


    Why will this forum thread not work? I know this forum thread will not work as there is a 125 page forum thread on the Spigot forums with the EXACT same thread title as this one, identical. And that thread is pure cancer, If I was you I would avoid it like the plague, ive read it all and the comments there just made me sick.

    So to avoid that cancer being spread to PirateCraft, I’m closing this thread.

    Everything that was ever thought about the matter is in the this spigot thread. Which funny enough got shut down by MD5 for being an utter cancerous topic with terrible, terrible opinions.

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