Minecraft Windows 10 Edition is Minecraft PE for Windows (New Minecraft Port)

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    To add to the confusion, Mojang/Microsoft have released a Windows 10 only version of minecraft that works with Xbox live, To clear this up early, this is a ported Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) So the version you play on Android/Ios is being ported to Windows 10 so PC players can play with the portable crowd, in groups up-to 7. This will in no way will be linked with the actual PC version of minecraft, This release will cause catastrophic confusion for later dates when there are 2 Versions of minecraft that run on windows, especially since this will be features in the Microsoft store for a mere $10. (Que the “Why cant I connect with my cheaper version of minecraft crowd)

    I will try and keep on top of this, would anyone be interested in me hosting a Pocket Edition PirateCraft server? It would have no mods at all and be pure vanilla, and in no way linked with the current server, just its own instance.

    Juicy Sauce: https://mojang.com/2015/07/announcing-minecraft-windows-10-edition-beta/


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    so wait what you’re saying is that if i get windows 10 i cant use minecraft?!


    Update: nvm it dosent affect the old minecraft….you can still have it ;3


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    Crazy Pirate
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    Microsoft will launch a minecraft game, for PC users, that enables them to play with the people who play on Pocket Edition; so PC gamers can play a new minecraft, that enables them to play with those on phones.

    This is just a pain in the ass, I just see more and more spin of versions of Minecraft now; one for your PC, Xbox, Phone, one that means you can play with people on PC and Phone, one where you can play with players on  Phones and Xboxs, and so on. They just wanna cash in on it.

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    well if they dont then minecraft would fall….money makes minecraft go around and around ;/


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    So are they still gonna update PC Minecraft?

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    yea i think 1.9 is coming on july 29th  or close to that date.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    No official date has been released for the 1.9 snapshots… “Soon” is all that we know

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    well since windows 10 will get relised for free in july 29th and lots of windows realated things will get released on that date its probable that minecraft 1.9 will too


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    If we were to make a Pocket Edition version it could be best if it’s Creative so we could possibly make and design ships, structures et with each other.

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    @Dr.Solid, There’s a difference between Windows and Microsoft… Granted it may come on July 29th, but if so, do you not think that Mojang/Microsoft would have announced that by now?

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    ugh i HATE pocket edition. it was my worst buy on the app store. you cant even run and u only have 5 or 6 hotbar spaces. i would agree that a creative version of PirateCraft would be the best bet if we were to have a Pocket Edition Server.



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    @charlie they dint say much on the 1.8 it came out of no were (atlist to me) they dint say the day and then suddenly a week before it got ralised they said the date.they might not be saying it incase there not finished and have allot of work but i think they are trrying to realse it at that date 😀


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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