Minecraft 1.10 PirateCraft Release

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    1.10 was released 2 hours ago: https://mojang.com/2016/06/minecraft-110-an-update-of-fire-and-ice/

    Full change-log https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/4n57k2/110_is_out_no_mojang_post_yet/d40z3vq

    Every time Mojang releases an update we need to wait for Spigot and PaperSpigot to update, and we need to wait for every plugin to update that need changes.

    Be patient and don’t spam asking about it.

    Personally I don’t see the reason for Mojang to upset and break everything just for some crappy Polar bears, they should wait until there are a substantial amount of updates.

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    I can’t wait until I start getting mauled by a polar bear



    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    man i can barely keep up with the new stuff on 1.9 and piratecraft and now this? XD

    Edit: i don’t know about the official 1.10 but the snapshot had a few convenient updates (still agree with gods do). I always wait for the red dragon to be added…just imagine flying on that thing the amount of wars that anyone could do with it…


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Mojang in a nutshell:

    “All right, we’ve finished the update that NOBODY asked for! Have some new blocks. Have some new mobs. What’s that? You want stairs for not just the new blocks, but blocks introduced versions prior? Too much effort to code. Here, have some fossils instead. Oh, and just for lulz, we’re releasing it out of the blue. But hey, polar bears! Kthxbai.”


    1.10 just feels like the start of a bad modpack. Either that, or a really late April Fools prank. Hoping it’s the latter.

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
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    it'll finally be quiet around here."

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    Mojang in a nutshell: “All right, we’ve finished the update that NOBODY asked for! Have some new blocks. Have some new mobs. What’s that? You want stairs for not just the new blocks, but blocks introduced versions prior? Too much effort to code. Here, have some fossils instead. Oh, and just for lulz, we’re releasing it out of the blue. But hey, polar bears! Kthxbai.” 1.10 just feels like the start of a bad modpack. Either that, or a really late April Fools prank. Hoping it’s the latter.

    Couldn’t have said it better, It cant be that difficult to give us matching sets for each block type! They need to just spend a large amount of time fixing the insane amount of bugginess with minecraft in general, Completely redo PVP as its awful. Then again this is typical Mojang they have never made smart decisions on anything minecraft related! Tell you what would be fantastic, if PirateCraft community could figure out what would work better as replacements and how general gameplay could be improved and offer that up to Mojang as a writeup.

    As a heads up, 1.10 Spigot server was released! But at present the developer is saying to update multiple times a day! There will be bugs, so Its best we wait at least a week for all those initial bugs to be squashed and we still need to wait for PaperSpigot to catch up.

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    Update: There seems to be some major issues with 1.10 server that include:

    • item frames missing
    • missing paintings
    • missing chunks
    • missing enderchest content
    • some people spawning in the void
    • an array of very important plugins, including the map, Essentails, Voting, Economy, the world border.

    All of the broken plugins are from forum posts I have been reading up on about the 1.10 upgrade. Just as soon as 1.9.4 started to get stable, Mojang throw a spanner in the works, this is going to be a very, very tough update again.

    I may keep us on 1.9.4 and use a protocol hack to allow 1.10 clients to connect, with none of the 1.10 features, until all the major bugs are fixed. We do have some legacy plugins that broke with 1.9 STILL barely working on the server, i’m very worried these will completely break with 1.10, these plugins are our main Permissions system and Statistics.

    I do think this will need some testing before I can push anything live, and Im not going to bother testing until the builds are more stable and hopefully plugins updated.

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    Lol literally for me the MOST exciting thing in the update was being able to see chunk borders… And that tells you how interested I am in the new update, seeing as the thing that excites me most is an addition to the debug…

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