MGLY unban Appeal

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests MGLY unban Appeal

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  • #74347
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    Current Username: MGLY
    Username when banned: gamefanatic007
    UUID: UUID 39433b0d-5d43-4bc0-8b96-5486424b8226
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Atalantaa

    Unban Appeal: On the 20th of May, I was banned for admitting to using an x-ray pack which gives me an unfair advantage over other players. I deeply apologize for using x-ray and I assure you that if you unban me I will follow all server rules and protocols. Since it has been approximately a year since my ban, I have taken the time to think about my actions and realize that xraying is wrong and something I won’t do in the future. Therefore, I hope you take the time and effort to consider my unban appeal.

    Thank you ( sorry for the bad English )

    • Topics: 39
    • Replies: 414
    • Total: 453
    • ★★★★★

    You have been unbanned,
    We will take you by your word on following our /rules . 🙂

    See ya in PirateCraft .


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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