Metropolis News (May 20 2016)

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  • #35059
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    right. so yeah. the Trident Network (Metropolis) is Boycotting any Trading or Connections with CoV. yes, i know this is all about Pirates and stuff.. actually i understand that the Drama is what keeps this Server interesting, if u know what i mean… but it’s my prerogative to handle my personal affairs..(Please Note, i’m not mentioning Names!).. just a couple of issues with some aggression pin-pointed to certain players (whatever), hopefully it can pass.. now i know there’s gonna be people saying, ” you get so mad.” and i understand that… from my point of view, yes, i was mad at the moment working on a Project & was caught off-guard. but oh well, life goes on & this is what i have to say for now.

    • Topics: 66
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    Like your artwork!

    Do you have Nukes at Trident?

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