Mending discussion

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  • #33787
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    I just created this topic to fill in the gaps of my understanding of mending. I have A LOT of almost broken sets that are expensive to repair.. if I could put mending on that piece of armour and I did.. would there be any repercussions, such as the piece of armour being too expensive for my XP bottles to repair?

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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    the only thing i’ve noticed is that.. if u try to put Mending on an Item & it finds it too expensive. then the item is pretty much worthless.. only thing left to do then is, to combine 2 expensive items together to create a new unenchanted one with damage on it.

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    Not exactly. Mending is used to repair items with XP. Now, how it works is that in order to repair an item with mending, you have to collect XP while equipped. EX. Shears with mending. I put it in my left hand while I go to a XP farm. Once XP is gathered, it will start to repair the equipped item. Mending in a enchantment you cannot get from enchanting. There are three ways. One is fishing, two is finding them, and lastly trading with villagers. Villagers have a 4/27 chance to have the book tradable.

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    So basically if the set is not too expensive to put mending on it then yes you can make a set that you can repair as much as needed.

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    Okay great, cheers for clearing that up folks 🙂

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

    The Queen
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    LOL I’m sorry but your profile picture makes me laugh all the time juice


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