Mcskii Unban Appeal

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    Current Username: Mcskii
    Username when banned: Mcskii
    UUID: UUID 85d6fba4-5b5b-4257-b269-4d86b2832010
    Your punishment tracker link: (Is this it?)
    Banned By: Maximus_Terragon

    Unban Appeal

    Hello staff of PMC. I regret having to write here today but I know that it is necessary and important. I made a mistake in using a resource pack to obtain items dishonestly.  I wanted to give myself an unfair advantage over other players and to give myself a boost. This is selfish and defeats the purpose of survival Minecraft. I understand that I broke the rules and understand that this (if you choose to answer my appeal) is a final chance to remain on PMC. Going forward I will constantly review the rules written by staff, be a more polite person in chat and in game, and be a more honest and caring player. I love the server and it’s members and I am deeply sorry for my actions. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.

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    While I’m obviously not the final decision, I would like to offer my word here. X-ray used to be a perm ban no matter what. Max banned you for 6 months because of our new(ish) policy that allows xrayers to come back after that time. While I don’t see this appeal being accepted soon, (staff my have other thoughts) in a little under 6 months you will be auto-unbanned.

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    Hey Astro. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my appeal. If I really must wait the whole 6 months I shall. Thank you for the information and for caring about my self made predicament.

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    Heya there,

    It’s always a shame when we have to ban long-term players, such as yourself, for these things but that’s part of the rules I’m afraid. I know you have been playing on and off for several years now, and your ban history is as clean as a silver plate.

    Still, thank you for making the appeal. As Astro said above, you will most likely have to wait the whole 6 months until you will be able to return, however if the circumstances change we’ll be sure to get in touch with you about it via discord as soon as possible. We value loyal and well behaved players such as yourself.

    Denied, sorry 🙁

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