May 2014 BOTM

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    As April is coming to a close,I finally have a temporary base where I can resume my PirateMc duties as server Photographer, Writer, Ginger person, Admin etc etc etc. So this calls for May BOTM Competition. I’m going to do this differently from before, we used to get a collection of builds and the staff would decide the winner. This time I will get a collection of builds (of course I will ask who wants to enter as well as those builds that are outstanding) and leave you guys to vote within a poll. I’ll display the images of the builds on here for you all to see and decide for yourself. I’m sure those that have been entered will let you wonder round the real thing.

    Prize will be decided shortly after a team meeting and this post will be edited,I’m sure something juicy will be arranged for the winner.

    For now if you have anything that would like to be entered please post here or contact me directly. Same for any queries you may have.

    Happy building and good luck to you all!



    tiat11 Tree Entry

    A fantastically designed tree, with great setting and huge possibilities. Upon arrival, the overall size is monstrous! certainly is one of its kind. With stone steps leading to the entrance way, you start to get excited and wonder what is inside, could it lead to some hobbit hole? or perhaps, a sleeping beast that would rip you apart upon awakening or could there simply be hidden treasure. Certainly would tickle any pirate’s tongue to delve deep into this gigantic tree just for an opportunity to steal some potential treasure. As for what was truly inside, i managed to get a glimpse and i was pleasantly surprised. To get a feel of this tree’s terrifying size i would advised an angsty adventurer to go visit!

    Does tiat11’s tree build have what it takes to win this month’s BOTM competition? if so cast your Vote Now!


    TimHuisman Tree Entry

    A very delightful palm tree style build. Fits perfectly within its surroundings, simple yet elegant would describe this little master piece. Perfect spot to have a few rums before hitting the high sea.

    Does Timhuisman’s tree build have what it takes to win this month’s BOTM competition? if so cast your Vote Now!


    Jodo Viking Hall Entry

    This hall is gigantic! when this request was slammed down on to my desk, to be fair i was expecting a quaint little viking hall. Must admit i was taken aback by this build. Nicely detailed and situated in a fantastic area, accompanied with a little house too! this place shows a lot of promise and can not wait to see this develop more. It is very dark and perfectly camouflages itself at night, ideal centerpiece for a Nordic village or town.

    Does Jodo’s Viking Hall build have what it takes to win this month’s BOTM competition? if so cast your Vote Now!

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    We need to get a solid rule list, A soid method for applying, A solid method for voting, and all that’s needs to be on a timer so we don’t go over the date (Like before).

    The more automated the better, We can implement Polls into forum posts (web related)

    SuperGL is in charge of BOTM so all enquiries go to him, you can Subscribe and Favourite this post (Top right) to get updates sent to you.

    • Topics: 42
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    Godsy our Sand Castle FTW! not to mention its next to super so he can look at it everyday. Can’t Wait 😀

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Haha! We can give him updates every time we add a few blocks “And this is our sand garden, here is our sand kitchen..”


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    if you do that i’ll put a bounty on your head.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Great! I’ll be all to happy to claim said bounty, while destroying my BOTM competition…..victory is mine! Mawhaha!

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    U will come no where near us. We have Sand defense, so jokes on you.



    We need Sand Defenses…

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Ill have to make a sandstone cannon we can shoot sand from, that on impact explodes sand everywhere haha


    Wow this tagging system exits, our sand defences will be the best that have ever existed.

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    I will be spending most of the day tomorrow (14th) to take screens etc, if anyone has anything ready please give me a shout out!

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    I’ll do my city for next month, it’ll be finished by then I hope. Right now it’s just a few houses that are half-finished, a few canals and a bridge xD

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    Yeah, I’m working on making an outposts on all the islands surrounding spawn, with bridges interconnecting them and Guard towers, Paths, lumber forests, etc.

    Loves to build neat creations, plunder on the open seas, and using correct grammar

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    I would like to enter a giant tree i built at x: 2209 y: 68 z: -1211, ty ^^.

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    My Palm tree is almost equally large 😛
    At -1820, 65,-3600

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    Im going to have to enter my Village next month, Too much to do!

    As Prizes go, Im willing to give Claim Blocks as prizes, and a complete custom diamond set of tools, What would you think the best prize would be?

    • Topics: 1
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    I’d like to submit my Viking hall at x:-2800  y:73  z:-1735 XD

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