matthewxforms tells me to kill myself

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    ya that is all to prove a point, at the same time that was happening i was mocking other people who were doing it. this is all a big game, all you kids do on here and cry and complain and talk trash about other people when they are not here. At some point in life you will grown up and learn life.


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    on top of that build. to prove a point with that post last time i checked griefing land around a base is not allowed but hey its ok for some people.


    matthew formicola
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    Builder you right, and I should of said it, there was no real point and it shouldn’t have been looking as a joke because suicide is not a joke. I am sorry for saying it i didn’t realize something like this blows up on the forums.

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    damn ur gonna need a fire extinguisher for that burn XD


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    If the mods felt like it was a big deal, they would of done what they had to right there.

    No. Staff do not read every single message at all times, I blank out chat half the time as im trying to do things, just because staff didn’t do something at that exact time does not mean its fine, and the fact you are thinking like this makes me want to give you a punishment.

    Guess what? Im here now, and Im doing something, bitch.

    This post may have been an overreaction to something that most shrug off, but different things effect people in different ways because guess what! People are different and like different things and different things effect them differently.

    I fly off the hammer all the time, but I will admit my mistakes, trying to defend this just gets you a warning and a weeks tempmute.

    – Closed.


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