Man Threatning Me To Make Me Quit Server

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  • #18015
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    Hello I Need Help Soon  a player named secondeath is threatening me to make my life a “Living Hell” and said he won’t stop killing me till I quit the server simply because I used to be in his crew but I decided I didn’t want to be a part of it so I joined another one and I told them his location because it turned out he was their worst enemy and they found him and killed him now he won’t stop hunting me down and setting his spawn at my spawn and is always watching me on the map and threatend me he will “Gut Me Like A Pig” please help!

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    Crazy Pirate
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    I was present here, and while he was aggressive towards you, you led many people from a rival pirate crew to his base, and then decided to repeatedly rub it in his face that you betrayed him, and that you had convinced others to leave his crew. You were actually quite rude in game, so don’t act wholly innocent.

    You also lack screenshots for the other insults he supposedly said to you, such as gutting you like a pig. You are also away you don’t gut pigs, you gut fish?

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    yh tbh you betrayed him and tp’d gen_ben near his base its not like you never did anything to him I don’t know how you didn’t expect some sort of back lash like this.

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    The problem was resolved

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    It’s all good now after a long a conversation we decided to stop although he took it a bit far yes I was being rude however it went out of hand but we’re done here and we are no longer enemies and we have taken back our threats

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    Also no I didn’t say I led others out of my crew however my best friend left with me you took it in incorrectly crazy pirate

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    Also there were more events after this such as black mailing but it’s all good now

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    What he has done deserves punishment, but you are not “nice kid” neither. His actions were preceded by pretty nasty move from your side.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
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    No i wasn’t so nice either but I didn’t threaten him that’ll I make him quit the server for good I said some mean things and it made it hard for me to play in the server cause I was being hunted down by 3 crews however as stupid as I was I was trying to sound intimidating I ended up apologizing after many tries I was off the hook now we are allies it’s over it’s all good I made a very bad desicion and i am completely over it now and trying to avoid it from happening again.

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