Man, /rules need updating brej.

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Man, /rules need updating brej.

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    For those that don’t exist in chat, what I will call a “debate” broke out over the fact that the /rules are not accurate compared to what staff have stated to have been briefed on.

    Proof of incorrect briefing below.

    Taken from chat logs which I keep open for these reasons.

    It’s not our problem for breaking rules that were never posted.

    Ingame image of /rules 2 has been uploaded.

    If you claim that politics is against your rules, then back it up with something legitimate.


    *edit1: proof got deleted. having to resubmit that crap*

    *edit2: proof should be uploaded*

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    Give this man politics in main chat.

    As I always said. If politics in main chat would be legal, we wouldve advanced way faster as a society and might even still have portugalJ playing!

    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

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    Pedantic pandering around what your interpretation of rules is patheitc and a waste of everyones time, especailly since you have not posted your chat histroy in public.

    As also stated in the rules:

    1. Staff decisions are final
      Do not contest or harass staff members over punishments

    The full ruleset can be found at which is linked in-game, which has more in depth information.

    I have passed this post onto the moderation team to look at your chat histroy.

    You may also want to read the rule:

    1. Do not cause drama in public chats.
      Anyone participating but not limited to word-sniping, bickering, pettiness, will be muted/kicked on the spot. Insistence on participation in drama will result in a ban.


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