Malta’s unban appeal Mark2

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Malta’s unban appeal Mark2

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ae0n.
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  • #82347
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    Current Username: BatMalta

    Username when banned: KassIsShort

    UUID: 19f3ec62-9a0b-417d-89e3-d69741521749

    Your punishment tracker link:

    Banned By: Ae0n

    Reason: “12:23:45am KassIsShort command /a time to ddos the server again”



    It has been quite the while since my last ban appeal, I do realize that jesting around in ally chat and making jokes about a ddos attack whilst the server was threatened by them was indeed stupid. i personally believe i have served the correct amount of time for my punishment, and would be glad to either have it removed or meet in the middle with a temp ban.


    Kindest of regards, Malta!

    Law school sucks

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    Not joking about attacks on the server has always been a thing, and being, a long-term player, I’m sure you were aware of this fact. Given the recent attacks on the server and the timing of your “jokes”, I see no jest associated with your comments.


    I put a single one of the times you spoke about an attack on the server into the reason for the ban, as my space is limited. However, this was, in fact, not a one-time occurrence. I do not believe that someone stating this five times in a matter of days means no ill-will towards the server. You will stay banned because you’re handsome.



    Current DDoSer

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    It was not once, but multiple times you said this quote. Considering the timing of the actual attacks on the server and your messages, you will stay banned at this time.



    -May the winds be at your back

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