Lukeg7812's claim contains an AFK fishing device and generator

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    My Username: Coldat

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: Lukeg7812
    UUID: 15448801-49dd-4840-ac6e-6830e02a08d9
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report:
    Breaking rules/cheating

    Overview Description of Report:
    Lukeg7812’s claim contains  an AFK fishing farm and wheat/potato/carrot generator that were discovered  on 11 January 2019 at approximately 11:00PM EST.

    Detailed Information
    While exploring a new (new to me) biome I came across Lukeg7812’s claim and discovered two machines of interest.  The first being an AFK fishing machine that is accessible through the roof of one building and the second being an agricultural generator in the basement of another.  Chests at the fishing machine contained items that would normally be found while fishing. The generator has a sign stating that it was built by smeguldworf. Lukeg7812 has not been seen in 3 months. Unable to determine if the machines actually work.

    Location (XYZ):

    Fishing Device: -6202 / 72 / -6947
    Generator: -6239 / 47 / -6947

    See images of AFK fishing machine first, generator follows.

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    I wasn’t aware that Auto-Farms were illegal, plenty have them?

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    I don’t believe its an auto farm, but more an item generator.  I could be wrong on that, but its a claim and I do not have access to certain parts.  Obviously, investigation from the staff will determine if my accusation is correct or not.  The other is an AFK device that allows the user to stand there and fish while being AFK which is the main reason for the report.


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    Auto fish farms are illegal. You are able to afk, and with a decent mending fishing rod, farm infinite enchanted books. We once removed a farm that had several stacks of books – really good ones, like level 4-5 stuff. I’ll check it out later, someone might be trusted to that claim, can’t imagine luke doing that

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    the auto farm is ok, the fish farm is not stupid

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    Lmao, Lukeg7812 claimed my old deckie base, I forgot about that.  Although I can vouch that there were NO autofarms there before he moved in and renovated the place, so that was either him that made those, or someone else that lives there.  As I visited there about a year and a half ago, and did not find those devices in place at that base or near it.  So they most likely were built within the past year and a half or so.

    Time to paint the Path of Glory in the Blood of those who are not worthy.

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