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    Piratecraft has been full of Drama recently, so here are some kekful Maymays to cheer up the atmosphere.

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    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    The Queen
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    Though I do not support the Nazi cause, they had amazing tanks.

    Best technology in word war 2


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Your humor is…new to me but nicer than some other peoples humor 🙂

    Still i have to say i prefer the anti-tank rifles from WWI .
    Yes i know they did not really work but who would not like a 2 meter rifle that is used to shoot holes in tanks?
    I just like the power it has…imagine going hunting with something like that.

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    Yes rep best technology in WORD WAR 2


    Founder of the Coalition

    The Queen
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    OMG I hate my phone LOLOL I didn’t notice Ketoh LOL!!

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Actually the Russians had the best tanks though… They took out an entire mile long swath of german panzers with one tiger before getting shot in the back by a long-range anti-aircraft launcher.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    Manda, I’m a bit confused by what you mean there, do you mean a captured Tiger 1? Cause all the tanks you talk about in that short paragraph you’ve typed up, are all German.

    The best tank of world war 2 or most successful tank in that catagory goes to the T-34 (not the t-34-85 variant) mainly because of the trouble the Germans had with it at the start of operation Barbarossa due to it’s angled front armour, which yet wasn’t that thick, it was down to the fact that angled armour actually increases the thickness of the plate.

    Not to mention, the T-34 was very agile, simple to repair, had a decent gun of about 1 km for most accurate shots and the fact quantity over the far more superior yet troublesome to their crew’s Germany’s “Quality” tanks, is a great reason why they excelled.

    one great example of their use was in the defensive lines around Kursk (Battle Of Kursk if that rings a bell) when I believe the General Zuchov ordered the tank crews to bury their tanks up to their turrets in the ground, making armoured rotatable pill boxes very close to the ground, with most of the German armour having to get up close to the Russians where if the Russian Tank was lucky, the small turret and the spaced out armour made it a hard nut to crack, not to mention usually some non-buried t-34 could move out of no where and slam the German armour in the back and destroy the German tank.


    Best tank design (not best tank of the war) goes to the German Panther tank.

    They were the best tank overall with angled frontal armour, powerful guns, great speed, pretty easy to repair and all round a good tank.

    Yet they did come with their weaknesses, usually if a Panther was encountered for example in an America Sherman and the crew or ‘group’ of Sherman’s couldn’t penetrate it’s armour, they’d fire an illumination round at its engine & fuel, due to the tanks running on gasoline (I think or petrol i dunno I forget :() the Panthers would catch fire & the crew would either die in the burning wreck of get smoked out, where the anti personnel weapons in the allied vechiles could then finnish off the crew.


    Hope you found this interesting, I wouldn’t mind talking about tanks more often, sometimes playing World Of Tanks Blitz on my iPad can see me not come on PirateCraft always because I get so caught up in it xD.

    but I do recommend the app, nice pictures too, very funny 😀




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    The Nazi’s actually did do one good thing for Germany and that is it starting the world’s first anti-smoking campaign!

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    I just wanted to cheer up the place, not cause a debate on World War 2 tanks.

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    I don’t really see the point of this pirate craft has been fine

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land

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    Have you not seen the Drama everywhere?

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    In fact, Nazi Germany was & is the only I believe, country to have no unemployment in the world, not to mention the Nazi Scientists were researching clean power such as nuclear power (not to mention the weapons), the built loads of infrastructure from the unemployed (making them employed), Hitler was an animals rights activist & the Nazis thought women & children rights where also important.

    But then again, killing off an entire religion, taking over countries, terrifying your people, sending those who have different ideas to yours to die in a labour camp kinda ruins their decent side.


    But still, Germany could have taken Britain so goddam easily, they should have remembered that no airfields means no planes can take off, better train their spies (every single German spy was caught in Britain, yet we had some of ours caught, not all were) & then just invade Britain anyway, yes loads of lives could have been lost & the Germans would have lost a number of regiments, but they’d still have been able to pull it off as they had air superiority, not to mention, the British planes would have been grounded mainly due to blown up airfields.


    I don’t support the Nazis in anyway, shape or form, just saying Britain, once in the country, would have been super easy to over run, not to mention the resigned king (Queen Elizabeth the Second’s Uncle) had been inspired by the Nazis & was trying to get Churchill to surrender to Germany & get peace, not only that but Hitler knew/liked the resigned king (forgotten his name soz) & so he would have supported he & his 2nd American Wife (reason why he had to resign) to become Head of the state again & so the resigned king could get public support of the German invaders, not to mention there already where supporters in Britain.


    Man, Hitler was stupid, he shouldn’t have invaded the USSR either, down to the fact he had a stupid pact (stupid for the USSR &) with Stalin that Germany gets something like 5,000 barrels of oil & other supplies & Germany in return gives it some tons of boring shiny unreactive gold.


    I could go on… but I wont.

    The Queen
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    Political Media is always filled with drama you just need to know what to take in and out.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    @Palmerageddon – Hey listen, I’m not convicting you of supporting the Nazis or anything like that, but I just want to point out a few things that you may have ommitted or I don’t agree with.

    I don’t even want to know where did you get the information that Nazi Germans respected human rights. Besides, they didn’t only kill jews and those who opposed their ideas but they terrorized millions of regular people from certain ethnic groups, which according to their ideology were meant to slavery and death(e.g. Slavs). That’s also one of the reasons why the German economy was so successful during and after the war – lots of people had been sent to slave labour in German factories and then the huge profits were being transferred to safe Swiss banks.

    On a side note, the war with USSR was rather inevitable. If Hitler didn’t invade, sooner or later Stalin would probably attack. There could be only one dominant power in Europe after all, right?


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    I see what you mean, but I thought I made it pretty clear in the paragraph about how bad they also were, read it again mate.

    But then again, killing off an entire religion, taking over countries, terrifying your people, sending those who have different ideas to yours to die in a labour camp kinda ruins their decent side.

    So my quote here from my text shows perfectly what you’ve just said.

    I believe I can say checkmate.

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