Leaving the Server

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  • #31824
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    Well, KingRS I’m sorry if you believed I became arrogant towards you during my time on the server, it was not my intent to demean others as I played.


    P.S.: And no if I was returning in a week or even a month I wouldn’t make a post about it, that would be stupid of me.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    I’ll miss ya Mandy Pandy <3

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    Goodbye manda.. I think we were pretty good friends and you will be missed deeply. Good luck with your studies and life. I hope you come back someday.

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    Manda, I have known you for about a year now through the good and bad parts. Best of luck to you in life and I await your return.

    Take Care Pal

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    @ToxicRS that was the dumbest, most annoying thing you’ve ever written. You’re big-headed and you’re not even in CoV.


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