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  • #17801
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    I’m leaving this server. Constantly dealing with 2-3 people attacking me while I’m alone and verbally harassing me just isn’t the kind of server I want to play on. Fortunately, most of you will be happy that I’m gone anyways. To the few nice people such as InventorJohn, Oprime, and some other people, have fun.

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    Of the dozens of crews on this server, there are are a just a few who it seems have recently decided it is their sole purpose to harass others and cause as much grief as physically possible within the extent of the rules.  I assure you that the majority of the community is quite fed up with the behaviors of such players, and would be more than willing to help you stand up to those who harass you.  Ask in-game about joining one of our crews of peaceful players, who prefer nonviolence, but are skilled defenders and look out for their own.

    The piratecraft community is full of truly wonderful people, and if you choose to give us a second chance, I’m sure you will make great friends with many players!


    A message to the those who ruthlessly attack helpless new players,

    I’ve historically tried to stay out of these conflicts due to hardware issues hampering my PvP abilities, but the issues have been resolved.  I’m getting really tired of the recent drama.  You are hurting the server’s reputation.  Until it stops, I will be devoting my entire resource base to the defense of innocent players.  If you harass others, whether they be my crew, allies, or simply new players, I will pursue you without mercy.

    The wrath of Ephrygian has begun.    Congratulations! You have unleashed my unrelenting fury.

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    your chewbaca skin goes perfectly with ur comment 😀



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    Hayden we were attacking them the other day.

    It was actually really funny XD

    Crazy Pirate
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    Sir Hayden, I thought you were a red lotus, and are thus allied with the 0utlaws?

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    The OP is Haydenfire098, a cadet I think.  Sir Hayden was one of the ones attacking him.  Confusing eh?

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    my god how many likes the pist off eph get XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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