Khanye’s Unban Request

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  • #61655
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    Current Username: Khanye
    Username when banned: Khanye
    UUID: e5d0b2cf-80ea-4e2b-b16d-181b27323f32
    Your punishment tracker link: http:
    Banned By: Law

    Dear Staff or whomever is reading this,

    Hello you should all know me by my previous dash about me being disrespectful and rude. I haven’t been the nicest to everyone and I am sorry to LEGO and Law personally. I was being very rude and immature saying LEGO is a light blue name and he isn’t staff, which was very rude and not the best thing to say to a actual staff member. Law warned me many time about being toxic and I ignored them, when I got lockered I should’ve stopped their but I decided to be a smart ass with staff and very rude towards players. I had multiple racial involved mutes/warnings which I am so ashamed of because that’s very low for someone to make a insult based off of color. I am also sorry to all the players I harassed by killing them daily because that is horrible on my part. I am also sorry to everyone I have bothered or been rude to because I wasn’t in a good mindset and got war hungry and I turned very toxic. Thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope to be back on PMC soon!



    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    Thats your third appeal in 1 month of being banned, do you realise how rude that alone is?

    The fact that this is your 3rd appeal is super rude and shows how impatient you are (considering that your first appeal was made a few hours after your ban)..

    Denied. You need to learn what patience is, the amount of your appeals proofs to me that you are still immature, I get that you miss the server but stop making an appeal every 10 days. it won’t raise your chances of getting unbanned, its the opposite.

    Every other appeal from you within the next 4 months will add an extra month onto your ban.

    Thanks and Closed.

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