JoeyGamingFilms' Ban Request

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    Asher :3
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    I saw all ur Piratecraft compilations they were dope


    - Proud Leader Of The New Roman Republic (TNRR)

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    Your account was banned by SmokeyRiver for having an alt account, I can extend the explanation for this to this forum topic:

    Your alt account, which is Letsquirrel was allowed on the server after you talked to GodsDead, he allowed you to come back and banned your JoeyGames account.

    However, (unbeknown to you,) you logged back in as Joey and tried connecting to the server, which triggered a subsequent IP ban. I believe in this forum topic it was lifted.

    -You have however been named as one of many chargebacks, which can cause many legal problems for GodsDead, which I think were sorted out, I cannot tell.

    When we look at Letsquirrel, your current perm ban on it was caused by breaking rules and a try at IP bypass, your account had also been warned twice, once for using an afk machine, the other bypassing an IP ban (you seem to have a habit for this) which was done via using a thread to talk to Gods.

    You’ve also had a 3rd alt account, romsawyer, which is seen in the first topic i’ve linked.


    The only thing going for you is if you handled the chargebacks, and whether if you can prove you’ve matured in the 2 or so years you’ve been denied access to the server. It’s ultimately GodsDead’s choice I believe. So I will tag him promptly to get this dealt with @GodsDead

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    Your account was banned by SmokeyRiver for having an alt account, I can extend the explanation for this to this forum topic: Your alt account, which is Letsquirrel was allowed on the server after you talked to GodsDead, he allowed you to come back and banned your JoeyGames account. However, (unbeknown to you,) you logged back in as Joey and tried connecting to the server, which triggered a subsequent IP ban. I believe in this forum topic it was lifted. -You have however been named as one of many chargebacks, which can cause many legal problems for GodsDead, which I think were sorted out, I cannot tell. When we look at Letsquirrel, your current perm ban on it was caused by breaking rules and a try at IP bypass, your account had also been warned twice, once for using an afk machine, the other bypassing an IP ban (you seem to have a habit for this) which was done via using a thread to talk to Gods. You’ve also had a 3rd alt account, romsawyer, which is seen in the first topic i’ve linked. The only thing going for you is if you handled the chargebacks, and whether if you can prove you’ve matured in the 2 or so years you’ve been denied access to the server. It’s ultimately GodsDead’s choice I believe. So I will tag him promptly to get this dealt with @godsdead

    Absolutely, everything you just explained is correct. I had actually forgotten about LetSquirrel because that was my ex-girlfriend’s Minecraft account so good pointing that out. That was also the account in which I created my crew and base on most recently. Ultimately I stand by what I said regarding this matter and leave the decision to the owner. If he decides that I shouldn’t return I would have no reservations to that. I just figured maybe it was all in the past, at least it is for me. I admit it I was a habitual rule breaker and I had access to 3 accounts. The reason I was ultimately banned was I was breaking the rules, in that case, I had used /home to kill players which I didn’t know was against the rules, as well as alternate accounts. I know that not knowing is never an excuse but I thought it was worth mentioning. Despite all of this happening so long ago I would again like to stress that I am sorry for the trouble I caused you, I owned a medium sized minecraft server a long time ago so I know how annoying players who break the rules are and that giving second chances doesn’t really help the server in any way. But you can trust that I have changed.

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    Everyone deserves a second chance in my opinion. After all, everyone makes mistakes.

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    @romsawyer (you’ve got a confusing number of accounts, can see why you forgot about Letsquirrel) have given me one of the best responses in a while to me digging up their past, thanks for not throwing shit at me like a lot of them or giving a half-baked response.

    I usually have to try stay neutral on issues like this, but I believe you should be given a chance, even if it means your on close watch for a month or more.

    2 years is a long stretch of time and the way you’ve composed your response is telling me you’ve matured. I do not have the final say, but I wish you good luck in the possibility that you will be unbanned.


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    Thank you, Yeah the first account I shared with my stepdad back in the old beta days of Minecraft. Eventually, I got my own account and my ex-girlfriend let me use her account. But I no longer use the other two. Just Joeygamingfilms if anything.

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    @Palmerageddon boss detective work.

    Now I remember this user “LetSquirrel”, he already had a second chance and then he spat in my face with a chargeback, oh yeah you know where this ban appeal is going!

    but I know they’re inaccurate to the punishment tracker

    What? it literally states in the very top that you charged back, why the hell would I want you back.

    Hell no.


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