Islands Project

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    alright, I’m currently working on a project of my own over Christmas break and over the next few months, my project is to recreate the islands from this map, so i want to ask all of the server a favor, and that is if they can donate dirt to the cause of the islands, currently, i have a layout of one island, but how i want this to go is that the islands would be used as a naval PVP place where factions (besides the island of whitecrest) would own one or two islands(if the islands are Whitecrest or Nova Balreska). my idea is to make this a fun place for people to have a nice time doing sea battles, but there will be set guidelines for these areas, anyway thats all i want to talk about, hopefully you can help out

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    This is a clever idea. Maybe instead of building islands u can find a cluster like on ur map, and tell crews to claim and place ships there. It would save u alot of time and claimblocks.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    the idea of crews doing it is what im going to do

    but if i do find a cluster, chances are that its already claimed


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    so this is progress so far, i have 1.3 dubs of dirt, and CottageCooper is the Pirate King of Blackwind

    anyone that wants their crew there msg me

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    When I get back on, you can have 10 double chests (540 stacks) of dirt if you still want it.

    Nice idea though 🙂

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    I’d ask and contact the mods.

    GodsDead would surely love this idea and could give you the resources and ability to possibly make this reality.

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    Before you start, we do plan to have a ships vs ships mini-game, so if you wanted to start this instead I could set you up with the resources to build this in Gm1 with VoxelSniper and Worldedit on a custom world.

    There’s quite a few ways to do this;

    1. Find a map with the existing islands, and just go with that (easiest, just need a seed and tppos)
    2. Build this by hand..
    3. Use Voxelsniper and Worldedit, this is how I create islands, if you google “Voxelsniper how to create islands” youll get tutorials, if you found an empty region on the map, I could regen the entire region and set you up on the test server with Gm1/VS/WE, this is how I plan to get people to build the new spawn.
    4. Make it in single player, Offline and then I can import it, if its islands, then its easy to paste into a world, you just need to make sure that the base of the island will reach the seabed, so make sure its deep enough. You would have to check from seafloor on the location of the map you want the islands to the sea height, then build accordingly in single player.
    5. Organize a team to do a build event one night and use TS


    Now since were planning on a mini-game anyway, running on a separate server, I would be happy to help you get started. Now I need to know if your any good at building first, do you have some examples to show me?

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    Bcb I am pretty fluent with worldedit brushes so I would be happy to be part of the island build team Godsdead suggested if you’d like.

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    fantastic idea from everyone, but I’ve already started and also overlooking a bit, some islands will have to be cut and also there is barely any space on the world for it besides the lake under rep’s stone thing mabob, whatever it is. so I’m kinda short on space to do this, so i can do one of two things

    1. abandon the project progress in the lake and find islands to make it.

    2. work my bum off these few weeks to make this a reality

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    alright, i have decided to relocate the project to the northern sea and near a cluster of islands, its perfect because A, its almost as similar as the map, B almost no player activity in that area so this would be perfect, sorry to cys and cottage for already helping me with the project in the original location

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    ok, after long times of thinking, i have decided to reopen the project in its original location in a lake, so if anyone can donate dirt and stone for the other islands, that would be great

    Crazy Pirate
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    Wait, are you not doing it on the games server?


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