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    See what you seem to forget is that we have allies outside of CoV. We may not have allies in official terms but we have people we like. To think that everyone would join a losing cause and attack us doesn’t seem like a functional one.

    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    @dagersh I really want us to unite, but idiots keep on pulling out when we are about to fight.

    shay killing you today really gave you a sense of humanity, there is hope to kill people like you, no matter how good they are.

    (by people like you, I meant stacked with great stuff)


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    CoV is what ends all wars, no-one can have battles, CoV smothers everyone with their numbers and their gear and no-one gets a chance (speaking honestly, no hate)

    Do not horse

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    CoV is what ends all wars, no-one can have battles, CoV smothers everyone with their numbers and their gear and no-one gets a chance (speaking honestly, no hate)


    We actually don’t really have that many people in our crew. Crews like the British Empire should have tons of resources, but they never decide to go and practice PVP, so they instead PVP log whenever you get close or they hide all the time. Back in the summer they seemed like a force to be reckoned with, and would actually fight. You do have a chance against us, but you don’t practice and go get some better gear.

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    Well its true yall have a good list of the top pvpers, but if trained and given resources with good communication it is possible. Like me for instance as an example, If I wanted to create a war machine I would be able to fast. One diamonds I have could supply enough for 20 gods sets and swords, two enchant/exp grinder is op, and three I have the means to dig in and not get touched becuause of the farms I have. Also having a stock of crap armor to train with is good for wasting on training.

    Not bragging I swear on any of this but also the fact I could hold against CoV and I’m not a power house pvper, nor have a supply of god items, does say there are some who could potentially be a threat.

    It would really require on person with the resource, and time to train arm and recruit soldiers to become fighters on par with CoV or the other groups. Me my self I like pvp but I don’t like dull fights. A world war would spark my fancy in truth either defending or invading. But also I have a lot I want to make but if I could snag a huge load of supplies ie diamond anythings, stone, iron, gold, gems, wood, and hard to obtain items/blocks I would definely try for it.

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    @lucky people have tried that same strategy. Players have joined and been supplied with armor and weapons against us and they still are. It is a lot easier said then done to find not only skilled pvpers, but people that you can get along with and communicate regularly outside of just typing.

    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    @lucky I have the diamonds, you make the gear ? Anyway, to spark things up a bit, I might do something to create some sparks


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