insiding legality

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    Another idea to make pmc a more enjoyable, less toxic, and overall better server would be to make “insiding” illegal. I feel it would be better to make stealing through abusing people’s trust illegal and put it in the rules. All insiding does is cause drama, toxicity, trust issues, and a bad environment for pmc. Without people worrying about loosing items the community as a whole will become more trusting and friendlier. Also, a counter to my point is that if someone makes a complaint about it/reports it it will get fixed; but I feel that is inefficient because first people have to know they can do such. Then, even if they get it reported it could take awhile for it to be undone to the point of the stuff being forgotten, hidden, or lost. Forums are also slightly notorious for going long times without being checked or even checked/read at all.

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    Personally, I believe that insiding should be legal. Although it is scummy, betraying others trust to get a quick payout is the way of a pirate. If we continue down this route of banning scams and such, where will it end? To the point where the game truly ends up as princesscraft, that’s where.

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    Hello fellow Pirates,

    This is Piratecraft not Princesscraft.

    If you trust your hour or even daylong work to some random teenager in the world you dont know. Your simply an idiot.



    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

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    As much as I personally dislike those that do inside other players.  Luring them into trusting them just to steal everything and blow up what they cant steal.  I do think its an integral part of PMC and does need to stay.  As Gores said its sort of a Pirate thing.

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    Hello @Gov.Issued.Bear,

    Thanks for leaving your thoughts here. Like the gentleman above said, it’s a scummy pirate thing to do but shouldn’t be illegal. Trust is a pirate’s greatest friend and enemy. Choose your friends wisely is my advice.


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