Inappropriate toxicity

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    My Username: MrMadBurrito

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: HelionsWasTaken
    UUID: bcc89bd5-6ae4-4dc7-a5ed-e2641da7165e
    Punishment Tracker URL:

    Reason for Report: Personal threats against family
    {breaking rules, cheating, glitching, duping, xraying, exploiting, hacking (Using a hacked client), harassing, griefing}

    Overview Description of Report
    Threatened to kill my mom.

    Detailed Information
    He constantly is harassing me like this.


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    Bro you literally said the n word and there is no context to that lol and your evidence is shit


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    Just imagine this is the same kid that literally said the n word lol


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    Ok to start out for this it was nothing close to a personal threat against your family who I don’t know to the smallest degree. Second the screen shot is taken out of context and cropped; the message I sent was in response was a ‘ur mom’ joke and later I apologized as I realized it went to far. At the time I was also in a vc with a staff member who muted me for a couple hours and got on me for going too far. Being muted alone should prove that this has already been taken care of and needs no further action. But as you had to go farther and say that I constantly harass you like this without providing anything to support that statement, we both needed to waste our time and staff’s time to resolve this.

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    • Topics: 1
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    MrMadBurrito is being toxic to everyone and he is the one who started it and he literally said the n word


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